
Skabob.... I went back and looked at what you commented on. The computer was knocked out. The screen you see on the one monitor is a color bar screen. All monitors are not the same. Many of those old tube monitors have a series of caps (capacitors) in them that hold enough power to assist in start up. Let one of those

The ground to air anti-aircraft application would be best suited if the projectile fragmented some distance from the target. Changing the projectile from a single “hit or miss” shot to being more of a shotgun effect. If the fragments were shaped properly and the fragmentation constant. But that would not be

In most pressurized aircraft the pressurization is not static. On Commercial jet aircraft you can see vents along the deck near bulkheads. Those lead to a duct system that has a one way check valve that allows air to escape at a measured rate. The compressor (or engine in most cases) pumps enough air to get a

warspeed... I’ll speak to the question I feel I am literate about. However I cannot speak in finality for anything.

Unmanned aircraft systems are and will remain a sore subject with former and current US fighter/attack aircraft pilots, RIO’s & WSO’s. I honestly don’t believe there will ever be a 100% pilot free fighter and attack aircraft military. Funny thing is the bomber pilots have already suffered through their days of being

Hate to sound like a Russian hating jerk........ But much like Popeye "I am's what I am's"....

Right now there is some AF paint tech who signed off on having the upper surface of that stabilizer primer coat thoroughly acetone wiped and tack cloth wiped who is all like... "Oh Shit!!!... I'm Busted".........

Yeah.... We gotcha..... BTW.... Size DOES matter.............

Hell no.... The B1B Lancers just got a complete upgrade in avionics and computers. It always has been a bad ass battle wagon..... Now it's a damned smart bad ass battle wagon, with a REALLY cool instrument panel.

My father once again thanks you, Tyler. As an old "Operation Chrome Dome" Buff pilot, he get's a blast out of seeing these great ships back on "Don't even think about it" duty. He did get a laugh over the fuss. In his era (1958 - 1969) B-52's flying flights out of Sheppard AFB on a 19 to 23 hour orbit were a common

YASB....... Strangely enough... I don't think you could have picked a better reply name to yourself.

Too any and all Chicago Residents or otherwise...... Allow me to issue my apology for nuking it..... I did that post after a few nice rounds of some 12 year old single malt..... I may have inadvertently nuked the wrong city....... My Bad....... May Chi-Town live forever.....

This is one of my favorite images of the B-2 Spirit. I believe it is because it looks like an actual machine.... Hard for me to explain. One reason I like American Muscle cars is seeing all the goodies under it's skirt when you pop the hood.... I like the "machinery" to be seen and enjoyed...

Some of the WW2 warships with low silhouettes would take "Green Water" over the bow. Even the venerable Iowa Class Battle Wagons...

One of the most glaring issues with the Pak-50 can be seen here...

Besides.... It would be criminal to paint over that faded "SAC" logo.... Those bad boys on an aircraft are rare...

I'm with you MDP310..... It's called "patina"..... And you leave that shit alone... It's hard earned and bleeds history......

Flew the F-16 for 5 years. I was assigned to the 93rd fighter squadron "Mako's", 482nd Fighter Wing out of Homestead AFB...

Just as a mention of respect.... We lost 31 B-52's in Vietnam. 17 of those birds were shot down in combat the rest were lost to various causes. Most of those men who manned those 17 aircraft never came home. The North Vietnamese military would usually only send the higher ranking crew member to Hanoi. Pilots & 2nd

Who?!!!!!!!! You say something.!!!!????