
positiony..... I beg to differ. The location and travels of those trains will be prioritized. Within a few months they will have satellites tasked specifically to track them. NASA's work using sensors to detect gas anomalies and all manor of chemical or radiological variation used to find and classify Galaxies,

Alexi..!!! There are so many drones flying around the train they look like bee's.... Do we have bee's to follow the Gut sucking, capitalist pigs in their Ohio Class Ballistic missile subs..? My uncle Vitoli was in navy.... they called those subs "Ghosts"... because you knew they were there but you never saw them

Jesus.... Civilian travel is not slow because of lack of technology. It is slow because of a natural phenomenon known as a "Sonic Boom".... The Concord was only allowed to land at JFK in New York and a couple of other extreme east coast airports... I have been near a base (while in the USAF) that the SR-71 flew out

The thought of believing anything an ISIS leader has to say to anyone other hen a fellow radical Islamic on a death wish mission is laughable. Radical Islam has existed FAR longer then US Prison camps and GITMO.... I was watching when the Iranian student marched our embassy workers blindfolded into a vicious and

Thank you for the correction. The way I wrote the explanation is incorrect... Indeed, the power level applied to the propeller, NOT the pitch creates more thrust. You wrote what I wished to say, but failed, thank you again...

Tyler... Why hurry to start racking up hours on these new aircraft airframes..? Every jet in the military's inventory has a finite life span before it is either retired or must be completely gone through. There have been Naval aircraft which were flown to the bones before ever getting real action of any length. The

Tyler... I would say you offer a fair and valid argument. The literal evidence certainly supports your observations. I can offer you a "#4 point" to add to your list... After retiring from a 26 year career in the USAF, I took up a long loved career as a audio engineer and stage and lighting engineer for a major

Cheaper and faster is not always better... In fact... I can't really recall many instances in aviation development where "Cheaper" is a beneficial aspect other then that of the bean counters who don't have to fly the damned thing. Truth is... Your comment has a very immature ring to it.

I have had the privilege to have been inside two of the orbiters. Atlantis and Discovery. I come from a USAF family and was in the Air Force for 26 years myself. My father worked in the Orbiter Processing Facilities. There were 3. OPC-1, 2 & 3........ These were the facilities where the orbiters were shaken down after

Tyler.... The difference between a turboprop and a turbofan isn't as substantial as you would think. They burn the same fuel. They are both jets, one just swings a propeller with a turbine utilizing a gear reduction system. The other uses (as I'm sure you know) thrust generated by compressed gasses being ignited and

That is just not accurate. I flew F-16D's & F-15E's in a 26 years USAF career. I still have several friends who are on active status (whereas I am now in reserves) who fly the 22's in Alaska where an entire F-22 squadron stationed. First of all you don't station aircraft in Alaska that cannot fly in bad weather or at

Truth is, glass cockpits have been around nearly 25 years to some degree or another. in the commercial jet field they started out with analog redundancy until they poved themselves very reliable. Laptop screen technology really pushed design and durability. Panasonic and it's Heavy Duty line of laptops used by

If the electronics completely fail on any modern aircraft/spacecraft.... Cancel Christmas..... Backing up a glass cockpit with analog steam gauges quadruples weight and engineering/design cost..... All bad Ju Ju for a program.

One of the reasons that mass tourism is discouraged and why so few amenities are available to go there is pure science. Antarctica is the continent that humans have had the least "footprint" upon. And by footprint I am being more then literal.