hahaha sorry, I meant that in the teasingest light-hearted way but it sounds super mean right after posting
hahaha sorry, I meant that in the teasingest light-hearted way but it sounds super mean right after posting
what, you getting trolled really hard?
that is all
This is like a throwback to the trolling of yesteryear.
<3 <3 <3 hit the drum and wicked
how does one come up with something so perf. one does not simply
Your magical recommend star once let my dumb ass out of the greys just because I asked. You never have to apologize <3
Yeah, I think I'm the same. I was in the blacks with a different name a while back, but I sometimes spell it 'gray' so maybe I'm getting docked points for that.
I think that's pretty sad, but, like, how much does it cost to become a Jez followee? All my comments are legit but I guess there's no way of knowing I won't go rogue-MRA later on.
I know that feel, be safe
This one too for u bud
He's basically explaining the irony of your user name.
Please also understand that bye forever pls
If you reply to them they are ungray!!!
If you reply to them they are ungray!!!
+1 — that's a deep cut if you heard it first on violator
You actually have no idea what you're talking about. That is so inaccurate and I find the statement very offensive. If Flo Rida is the extent of your knowledge, sit the fuck down. srsly
someone mashed it with a young thug song and it's everything
With all due respect, the ',YO' on the end marks you as an outsider and it could offend some people. Let's make a negative into a positive. Next time you want to make this joke it's: WORRLLDSTAAAAAARRRR!!!!
It wasn't.