herb durbler

I totally respect what you're saying and agree with you on this, but I am conflicted because of what trolls stand for. Trolls can be funny, but often I see these ones trying to dominate the conversation by saying backwards offensive idiot statements for attention. Like this guy here is so wrong he can't be serious and

you never need to apologize for typos while speaking truth to power (even if you did un-grey a trash-receptacle just now).

Aw George looks like such a little grown up in that little suit. It would be cute if they gave him a box to stand on so he could be face to face with the ladies.

the 'be' there makes it ungrammatical, whilst you mock a dialect, you could at least get it right

Oh man went back a few years ago to play this with all my adult shrewdness (however much that is) and it is still a beast.

Okay I have experience with wondering this because I once had a first cousin by marriage and that marriage didn't last long ergo now not my first cousin (?). I SUPER wanted to sleep with that cousin and the feeling was hushedly but assuredly mutual. Ship since sailed, but I sometimes wonder: what if...? Ew, sorry (or

WHY. HOW. In Florida she is legally allowed to Stand Her Ground and fire the gun into his effing chest thooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I hate all of the world

ohdeargodno that one is one million times worse

The sentiment I would like to express is: It's been proven time and time again that I have no hard deal breakers :(

One of my best friends was raped and told ONE person reluctantly that she thought she could trust. It led to girls threatening to 'beat her ass' etc. Her mother was angry with HER about it. She lost a lot of friends. The best she got was someone telling her 'you should have gone to the police and then I could be on

As a former teacher, I hate when people belittle the intelligence of young people. Having said that, there are ones. ' looked like she was just screaming...?' ohdeargodno

Hey MantiMeow: goodbye forever pls

At the risk of this sounding like a backhanded compliment: I'm pretty much back to being a jezebel reader and that is, I think, 100% to read your pieces, is what I have just noticed.

Let's face it, this and your subsequent posts show a child's potty chair level of understanding what you're talking about on this topic at all stages of the game. I'll go out on a limb and presume that you are long off the potty chair and onto the adult toilet. Just playing devil's advocate here if I may: What if you

derp. 'anti-feminist culture' is just the status quo. mischievous internet misogynists is the small subculture.

I understood this reference.

I respect your opinion but I came on here to make sure people were saying how awesome Amy is and her first mention is, 'not a fan.' I love her so much, thoooooooooooooo.