
I rather unexpectedly welled up during that segment. It concisely conveyed how much misogyny and public pressure changed and shaped her. I don’t think there’s a woman in America- especially those of us north of 40- that doesn’t understand how that feels. What she went through would have KO’d most of us, but she kept

That’s a dead ender. I think the overwhelming Sanders supporters (myself included) have become enthusiastic Clinton supporters (I’ve given more money and time to her campaign then I did to Sanders) That said the dead ender purity tolls are a small but overly vocal minority of idiots.

Also, too: Jill Stein is a fucking moron!

Because many people saw Sanders’ campaign as a vehicle to get ideas (like universal healthcare, free college tuition, and campaign finance reform) into the national spotlight. They/we don’t believe in blindly following one political leader, but rather being part of movement that continues to press for these issues.

If it makes you feel better: all of the Bernie fans I know (including myself) have voted for or are voting for Clinton.

I am yet to meet a “sane” Sanders to Stein voter. I went to a Jill Stein rally because I wanted to understand Stein and her supporters better and they do not exist in the same reality as everyone. Someone actually said that the Democrats like Hillary want women’s health issues such as abortion in danger because they

“Remember, it’s a FACT that Hillary has a secret assassination squad that has killed dozens of people who politically opposed her.”

I can’t fucking stand the radical lefties with their ideological purity and conspiracy theories and canonisation of Snowden and Assange and their loony-tunes bullshit. They’re just as dogmatic and brainwashed as the fundies on the right screaming about dead babies and the gay mafia coming to take away their guns.

These fuckheads make me regret ever voting to but Bernie in office to begin with. I love him, and don’t believe he has a disingenuous bone in his body, but he helped create this army of entitled whiny cult of personalitists, and for that I can’t forgive him. Makes me really want to work to have him thrown out of

The one single good thing I thought could come out of Brexit was that Americans would take a lesson in taking their vote seriously. NOTHING is guaranteed.

No, because as a Sanders supporter, you believe there’s a secret conspiracy headed by the DNC that coerced, blackmailed or possibly even tortured Bernie into endorsing a candidate he once did everything he could to save America from. Bernie’s like a prisoner of war - his words are manipulated by the people with the li

Counter-point: If Susan Sarandon’s endorsement on November 1st is something that could effect the way you choose to vote, you’re already a big part of the problem.

Well, she’s a white entitled idiot who won’t be affected if Trump wins so, OF COURSE SHE DOES.

Damn it, that attitude is fucking dangerous. Hillary is not safe. She has not been elected. The polls are uncomfortably close, and encouraging people to pull this morally pure shit plays right into Donald’s teeny hands.

If you’re a Sanders supporter, and he is a Clinton supporter, shouldn’t you currently be supporting the excutive branch candidate that he thinks will best help him accomplish his legislative branch goals?

Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout

As soon as he opened his mouth:

I’m sorry but you think that if you invited Donald Trump to speak that he somehow would not turn it into a political speech?