
The USSR had a huge surplus of women post-WWII and the women there somehow managed to survive without trafficking men from other countries.  

First of all, we need to stop with this notion that it’s invalid to judge past historical figures over things like slavery. The idea that slavery is immoral is not new. It was a well-established and common moral position since before the country’s founding. And at the time Sims had peers who objected to his methods.

Or it was because people at the time believed that black people didn’t experience pain in the same way that white people did. This probably saved Dr. Sims a lot of money:

A Slave cannot consent.

Wow you sure are an idiot. As a descendant of slave ancestors and as the great granddaughter of a woman who was personally victimized by a well regarded doctor who used the bodies of poc to further his research on diseases....fuck you and your white privilege horse you rode in on

Comey’s response to why he reopened the email investigation is woefully inadequate. What he’s telling us is that if he didn’t think Hilary was going to win, then the case wouldn’t have been reopened, which indicates that pursuing justice wasn’t his motivation.

Can I give kudos to Ms. Depino for speaking to Monique rather than giving her accounts to the likes of CNN or any other “mainstream” news source?

Keep fighting the good fight. We actually do need more white folks to call out other white folks on their bullshit.

On the other, I’m tired of his sanctimonious vibe and essentially tipping the election because he assumed Hillary was going to win.

I agree. But Comey was not the one who leaked the letter to the press. Chaffetz did. Chaffetz also mischaracterized the Comey letter, making it look way worse than it was. Arguably, Comey’s mistake was in thinking he could write a letter to the intelligence committee and expect the republicans on it to maintain the

Problem is they aren’t “takedowns,” it’s just petty bullshit that does nothing to undo the damage of installing Trump in the first place. Comey is bad.

These jabs are great and all, but this motherfucker was still part of the reason Trump won. The whole hand size thing...can dudes stop thinking about their dicks for like 2 seconds?

I’m so conflicted. On one hand, I’m loving Comey’s takedowns. On the other, I’m tired of his sanctimonious vibe and essentially tipping the election because he assumed Hillary was going to win.

Our local newspaper The Oregonian is covering this extensively, because the Harts came to national attention because of the viral photo that took place in Portland in 2014, and because they were living in nearby Woodland Wa., before they took their fated trip to California.

These are two stories just from yesterday:

It wasn’t my boss that tried to fuck me over, but:

So well written. This reminded me a lot of my childhood and life - the knowing that I wasn’t really a man because men can’t be raped. The shame and depression. For me it was years long sexual abuse from my step father and there are multiple times in my life where the fallout from those years nearly destroyed my life

But she wasn’t an old White guy with questionable racial views, you neoliberal crypto-fascist!

Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria.

Because nothing says “the logo is inoffensive and about honoring traditions and being respectful” quite like spewing racist bile at the people that logo caricatures.

*extremely guy walking into a weekday, daytime baseball game voice*