
Which isn’t even mentioning that the scene featuring the first CGI actor was so dimly lit that he was not clearly or recognizably a person of color for many viewers (or at least most the viewers in my family). Or that the second one has a Caribbean accent even though human heads were only shrunk(en?) in the Amazon*

For we know that in such time men shall be come lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of

These people legitimately think they’re fighting a holy war, it’s disturbing as hell.

Thoughts and prayers, Roy.

Shameful to think that in 8 full length feature films POC lines make only 6 minutes... and a large portion of the lines came from 2 CGI characters.

Candice Bergen? Yes! Jane Fonda? Definitely! Mary Steenburgen? All day long, please!

Helena Ramsay, 17, was one of the victims. Her mother is black.

THANK YOU. Aside from the blatant inaccuracy of calling these activists “white kids” (and, yes, I see the P.S. that was added by the author and am not impressed—do better, Root), it’s worth acknowledging that these are teens. They are waking up to what life is like, what privilege means, and they are doing it

They’ve explicitely talked about how they are inspired by #blacklivesmatter. They’re already trying to signal boost for people and movements that don’t have the privilege of the megaphone that whitness and affluence gives them. . .

I strongly disagree.

My favorite bit from that story: “It also accused the nuns of spending more time working against poverty and social injustice than abortion and same-sex marriage.” 

Good for them! Remember when the previous Pope, Palpatine er, Benedict was getting ready so sic the Inquisition on US nuns because they were too liberal? And because the Vatican wanted to steal their stuff?


17 white lives

An even crazier idea? Hiring women to work in sports regardless of the gender of players.

I really don’t understand the gatekeeping. Why is it such an affront when something you don’t personally partake in gets called a sport? What do you think you’re protecting sports from?

Pretty much every successful civil rights struggle, including all of the ones you mention, has involved both a militant wing and factions committed to work within the system. It has long been suggested that both components are necessary for successful social transformation. The militants raise the very real threat of

Violence, or at least the threat of it, is lurking in the background of every so-called “peaceful” protest movement. We lionize MLK, but Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam, as well as similar groups, scared the shit out of white Americans by openly stating that black people should defend themselves. Politics and the

And whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of engaging in peaceful protest or using non-violent means! That never works! Just look at the Irish, who spent nearly a century engaged in a constant effort to win equal treatment WITHOUT resorting to using bloodshed and fear, and achieved nothing by it!

Wow, that we still see that shit after all the posts on MLK Day and over Black History Month that yes, violent protest was a vital component of the Civil Rights Movement - that when the pigs beat up unarmed protestors at MLK’s and all other rallies nearby protestors tore into them, eventually convincing the ruling