Department of Toad

I don't know what the second part of your comment has to do with anything, so I am ignoring it. The knife attack only happened because Walt chose not to leave when the person brandishing a knife told him to. Another way to get knife wounds on your hands is to advance on someone wielding a knife with the intention of

Yes, of course. My point is that Walt already had more than enough information on Jack's criminal exploits to put him away for life and Jack has more than enough information about Walt's criminal past to put him away for life. For Walt to rat out Jack would be suicide, since Jack could just turn around and flip on

If he was thinking like this, why didn't he just murder Walt as soon as Walt paid him for killing the 10 dudes in prison? Walt can link him to 10 murders. There is such a concept as honor among thieves. (Or murderers)

1) He might need him as a meth cook at some future point; 2) Walt also knows that Uncle Jack orchestrated the murder of 10 people in prison, because he paid him to do it. Uncle Jack's got just as much on Walt as Walt does on Uncle Jack.

I bought it. Walt has a long history of bargaining and also of doing dumb shit when he is desperate.

Well put, Professor. There is really not a lot of evidence to prosecute Skyler for anything. If they really wanted to go after her for money laundering they probably could, but that might be hard to prove and there might not be that much appetite to go after an abused wife who was manipulated by her murdering,

Eh, they are two totally different shows with completely different styles and completely different goals. It's a fun argument, but a completely pointless one.  I love The Wire and I love Breaking Bad. If Season 5 of The Wire had never happened, this wouldn't be an argument, by the way. But it did.

Skyler didn't attack him with the knife - she held out the knife in front of her and demanded that he leave. The knife fight began when Walt advanced and tried to take the knife from her. THEN she started trying to attack him with the knife. Walt says his father was the attacker because he is trying to get his

Who thinks Jesse is an innocent? Just because people think Jesse and Walt aren't exact moral equivalents and are invested in the character doesn't mean they think Jesse is an innocent. Same goes for Mike. And, in the words of Will Munny and Snoop: deserves got nothing to do with it.

Ridiculous. When you see a human being dying and you have it in your power to easily save them you have responsibility for their fate. This is not a point that has generally been up for debate among human beings.

Yes, he's a murderer. But he's also a fictional character who has been shown to be complex and sympathetic. People are worried about him because that is what you do when you become invested in well-written and well-portrayed fictional characters. There's nothing nuts about it.

Of course it makes a difference how bad he feels. Every religion, not to mention actual criminal justice systems, take remorse into account. Remorse doesn't make you innocent but guilty with remorse is universally considered morally superior to guilty with no remorse.

herald - The specific words were lies but some of the emotions were real. He really does resent Skyler, even as he is saying all of those things and playing the abusive monster for the police listening in because he loves her.

My bad. I was referring to the moment where Gomez rolls back against the grill and the footage slows down as he arches his back against the grill and grimaces but now that I watch it a THIRD time, I see that it doesn't actually show him get hit even though the first two times I watched I thought the slowing down and

Hmmm. I will go back and look and then post. There is always the possibility that I am wrong, but I was sure I saw it.

It seemed pretty clear that Gomez got hit. I am surprised that no one else seemed to have seen that. There was blood and everything. Not much, but still some blood.

Walt vs. Hank just happened. They aren't leading up to that. I think Walt vs. Hank is out of the way and now it is Walt vs. all the consequences of his actions. There's gonna be a whole lot more dying, I reckon.

I felt the same way, but if you watch it again, Hank and Gomie are angled behind the SUV, so they don't have absolutely no cover. The scene is not staged as implausibly as it seems if you watch it again.

That was some C.O.B.R.A. level marksmanship going on there.

Lord I love my office job
I'm just an average everyday cubicle slob
I wear khaki slacks but I ain't no snob
I still love mashed potaters and corn-on-the-cob
When five o'clock comes I have a beer with Ol Bob
Thank God for my office job!