There are huge blighted areas that are literally abandoned. To do nothing would be criminal.
There are huge blighted areas that are literally abandoned. To do nothing would be criminal.
*cups hands around mouth*
fellahs, if you don’t have a chin a beard isn’t going to cover it.
Where is the privilege come into play? As long as you dont have rats tidiness only has the importance you assign to it. If you want it cleaner have at it.
“the front room” wow the Rockefellers
We don’t care or want it as clean as you. You want it cleaner? Have at it.
Honestly, as a moderate person that supports many liberal causes I’ll always be hated for being a white male. I’m not going to starve or have my family starve so others can get ahead. Not going to happen. I’ll fight and claw tooth and nail to make sure that doesn’t happen.
You’re doing it wrong. Just look straight ahead at where you want to go. Source: am man make weak people move constantly.
Ok, so you’re just walking into people with the intent of hurting them? That’s what insane people do.
You got the response that a man would get if you go barging into people. Honestly, what are you people doing? Just acting like assholes?
Why weren’t you properly socialized? You’re going to get knocked down. Have fun.
The Principle is black tho...
Bow-tie alert!
And yet...the Patriots are better. Go figure.
Fuck the old guy in the camo jersey for real. “Don’t point at me!”
What the fuck are those idiots doing?