
They were also ethno-nationalists like this administration. Don’t worry the wall will work in both directions if need be. 

You totally work at Amazon. They all have the same weird dead eyed praise of Bezos because that is where their check comes from. Meanwhile the rest of us drown. 

Do you work at Amazon? 

K. You’ve turned yourself into a punchline. 

You expect to be taken seriously? 

That it’s not “transphobia” It’s the natural reaction to rare outlier situation. Only .6% of people identify as trans it’s no shock that people don’t know how to “use their pronouns”. Especially when the person in question was a man at the beginning of this story.  

Fuck that! No Jews I know speak like Sanders. Ridiculous. 

That’s how Jewish people talk? None I know speak like Bernie Sanders...

If I changed my fucking gender and you fucked up what to call me I’d understand. Are you nuts? 

We’ve entered bizaro world. Are you people actually confused?

Why would George Soros, a super rich guy, want to be murdered in a bloody communist revolution?

Are yall ignoring the fact that the “ugly” one is spattered in a Jackson pollock pink stuff!?

It’s not a damn race issue! It’s a fucking chocolate duck!

It’s “ugly” because it has flakes of pink spattered on it. It’s not ugly because it’s a dark color. Are white people “fluffy”? It’s non-racial. 

“they’re just armbands what’s the big deal?” Get fuuuuucked. 

Find the contractors and engineers working on this monstrosity and dox them. They can take this job if they want but let’s be damn sure they never work on a half decent project again. Only the most craven, desperate, engineer would take this job. 

what on earth? 

I think you are giving way too much credit here. 

It’s real to me dammit! 

Yeah? He gave the wife a cabinet position?