
That’s spot on. 

You don’t actually believe that do you? I’m not voting for your dumb ass shit AOC candidates. 

You should vote for trump. 

There you go. Parrot Trump’s talking points. That ought to be helpful. 

Maybe they didn’t want her drunk, spouse abusing family members to show up and knock over the casket. 

Yeah but Beto isn’t punk rock enough and stands on chairs. 

Enjoy your service industry job! 

youre getting owned left an right. “fuck off” is something a stammering child says. 

reeeee Ihate white people. Get bent.

Still waiting for your POC, queer, handicapped candidate? Putting down white men isn’t going to get you anywhere. Good luck though. 

I’m waiting for a POC, queer, handicapped person before I feel comfortable casting a vote.

The only person who can beat Trump? Yeah, terrifying. 

I think we need more. Honestly none of the current choices seem to favorable to me. 

Why is that man on twitter carrying a pocketbook? 

Transition lenses to boot!

What does it say about the relationship that the ring costs less than a meal and a beer you eat by yourself? It’s not about cost but ceremony and sacrifice are important. 

Yeah, no one needs most of the stuff that exists. An engagement ring says, “I have the ability to save a little money and I’m taking this seriously.” 

People voted for this guy? 

She desperately needs a hockey stick up-side the head. 

Subways don’t work?