Buildings > People
Buildings > People
What happened to Tuck’s bow-tie?
These are literally done by interns.
I seriously hope not...
Whatsapp is for drug dealing, human trafficing, and cheating. Let’s be real.
Haha, I now I understand the “cuck” thing. FML
The girl behind him though
I’d leave. No one get’s to scream at people like that. Scream and lunge at me and we’re fighting.
It will take Trump not being horrible for them to turn on them. The closest pundits, supporters and fellow republican’s have come to criticize trump is when he doesn’t act conservative / racist enough.
Is it though?
What a complete piece of shit
what dude?
“we’ll just print more money!”
We’Re GuNnA hAvE fReE cOlLeGe!!!!1111
he’s already said so.
These people have never been to a beach, pool, or my great aunt’s funeral?
oh my god...
Hate speech is free speech right conservatives?
How is this real?