
Not only is he an incredible defender (on a team whose strength is arguably its defense), but his defensive versatility is absolutely essential to what they do. It is no exaggeration to say that without him — ie, without a guy who can lead the defense, enable the switching scheme on which their entire defense is

I’ll condemn the city! Boston may not be irredeemably racist, but racist for sure.
The number of deaths in Dorchester each month dwarfs the number of dead after the marathon bombing. Guess who gets a eulogy? It’s the people that aren’t supposed to die! The ones who didn’t deserve it.

Fascinating how “cutting executive pay” is always way down the list when it comes to time to pay for bad decisions made by executives.

There was probably a time that baseball could have gone this way (it was never even discussed as far as I know, but the sheer number of teams and the organized levels of play would have made it a natural fit). But when the farm system came into being, that pretty much ended any hope of that.

Can’t wait to see the exciting prospects they get for him after he develops!

Oh, look! A passive aggressive christian that uses too many exclamation marks!

By the time Grantland launched, Keri had already written a bestseller, and his writing had appeared in many major publications. Obviously being attached to the website of a writer as popular as Simmons increased his visibility, but also it was well-respected writers such as him that lent sophomoric Bill Simmons’s

I’ve never had it on tap, only through trades with some friends in the RR distro area. I have been lucky enough to have bottles as fresh as within the month.

Could be first batsmen to be out bbw. Belly before wicket.

Here’s a Hot Take. Mark Cuban can get fucked with a tire iron. Just because he’s not a Trump guy doesn’t mean he’s not another piece of shit billionaire who has no issues intimidating the press to make sure his garbage basketball teams fees aren’t hurt.

He does, all the time - He has called out John Lynch (new 49ers GM), Bill Parcells, and countless others on this very thing. LeBatard did not single out Magic Johnson, he’s consistent as fuck when it comes to his positions on things, especially around “racial” topics. People are taking this :30 clip and running with

Part of starting up a new area of coverage means introducing (and reintroducing!) characters to our readers, even if they would be familiar to hardcore fans like you. I wrote about Zverev last fall, at the very beginning of my tennis coverage. When I covered him again in January, I wrote about him in a way that did

Because aside from perhaps the professional trade unions, most workers aren’t really seeing a value. I worked retail in a supermarket chain that was and still is unionized in my late teens and early 20's. Hell, I was even a union steward for 6 months before I left that job! Back then, I truly believed in the union

His own party just rubber-stamped all of his batshit crazy cabinet picks. They don’t have the balls to impeach him anytime soon.

Oh look another keyboard warrior who’s never turned a wheel in anger yet is so wise on the legitimacy of racing tactics.

Australia are 465 for 6 at Stumps on Day 4.

At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?

I get the impulse behind this post, because I don’t think any group has done a worse job representing the interests of actual Cubans in Cuba than the older generation of Cuban refugees, so I don’t want to react angrily but this trend of Castro apologia is just sad and wrong. The older Cubans preoccupation with the

Some perspective on how historic this is: