
I have a cousin in San Quentin. Killed an old man driving drunk.

For real though “America the Beautiful” is basically fine, a much better and more pleasant song (with one hell of a cover) and much less fuckin dopey in the lyrics department and it should be our national anthem.

Counterpoint: The blog post really was some trash. Reads like a shitty paper written by a college freshman.

It also conveniently leaves out that Californios were settlers themselves. There were natives in California before it was called California, and in this particular case it weren’t the gringos who did the bulk of the “civilizing.”

It doesn’t even need to be that. People say everything on the internet lives forever, and that technically is true, but in practice it’s trickier.

My favorite part of that story where was when Tom Brady started doing brain exercises intended to rehabilitate people like they would just make him EXTRA SMARTER and the guys who invented the exercises totally treat it all credulously cause they want the publicity.

It has one clear literal definition and one distinctly different application in American verbiage because that’s how language works you self-important dweeb.

Oh come off it. You know what McNair was getting at, I know what McNair was getting at, anyone who’s been a part of American society for even a token amount of time would know what McNair was getting at.

“The three finalists for the award, decided by a combination of national team coaches, national team captains, journalists, and fans”

He called them “the Wenbins” when their family name is clearly fucking Huang. Haisley is a fucking joke.

Also, uh, Dexter Fowler, Jedd Gyorko and Brett Cecil were all fucking good this year.

Some other fun ones: Chicken Inn FC (Zimbabwe), The Strongest (Bolivia), Simba SC (Tanzania), Miscellaneous SC (also Botswana), Big Bullets (Malawi), Solid SC (Sri Lanka).

A moment of honesty: Sometimes I bristle at stuff where people are like, “SEE, this is white privilege.” I’m a white guy, I’m working on it, it’s something I constantly need to work on. I’d be be lying if I said there weren’t times where an accusation of white privilege pops up and I have to suppress or correct an

The comments around here are kinda absurd. People are super gung-ho about this idea without giving it even the mildest critical thought.

Translation: Her friends judged her for her husband’s “disrespect” of the flags/troops/George Washington/whatever and she made up a story to save face.

The last one was just a good question. “When Colin Kaepernick says that his protest is about fighting police brutality, fighting racial disparity, racial injustice, you’re not taking him at his word. You’re saying that the focus has long since moved on. But when white supremacists say that their protest is about

So, uh, what would you have asked instead?

Three separate issues here though.

One problem (among many) is that the largest and most powerful unions don’t appear to give any kind of universal shits about labor as a political and social class.

Two things: