
Really? You sound like my mom. Mom, is that you? Stop.

Interesting. Mine is turned down right now because of small children, but it never goes away. Even then, I think it's a consequence of the hormones that allow my body to produce milk. How do you decide that? How does that work for you? Genuinely curious.

High-five, sister!! I'm in the same boat. And do not regret it.


Jesus. What a fucking asshole.

I would never, never guess that is the same dress.

High fiving you on this. It's ducking ridiculous - my body and any affordable clothing.

This is amazing. Seriously! Wow.

My sympathies!

Yes. My child had a shitting episode at the park yesterday due to WATERMELON OVERLOAD. Beware, fellow parents.

All this - hell yes. I lost a friend to colon cancer back in 2013, something that was quite treatable when it was originally discovered by her doctor. She decided she was going the cannabis/vegan - no chemo route. I respect her choice to treatment but I also miss her, and hate all those do terra motherfuckers who

I think I get some of what you're saying - abused people abuse people? True. But being on drugs compounds that.

Stupid maroons!!

Funniest fucking thing I’ve seen all day - thank you.


This is where my starfish sleep when they are tired.

I disagree - she is gorgeous. She may look different with makeup on, but IMO she is so beautiful on her own.

High-fiving you! Well said.

This needs more stars!

You go, girl!!