
Hahaha! Okay. Have a nice day.

HAHA that's hilarious. I can only imagine those scornful looks!

Whoa nelly! Haha. No offense intended! I actually didn’t notice the date on this. I just wondered if your opinion had changed on Depp’s issues since newer information has come to life. Also, I am not a sock puppet - but I am newer because I cleared my history and with it my darn kinja cookies.

His people have been planting blind items for about a year insinuating everything from “she’s a gold digging lesbian” and “she wants to take him away from all his friends (aka enablers)“ to saying she is having affairs and using Depp’s name to extort money from from movie investors. It's fucked up on both sides.

How now, brown cow? Do you feel the way today?

Have you read the transcripts?

I came here to say this and you nailed it! Dude needs help. For some reason throughout this, I didn't have an opinion on their personalities - addiction is a fucked-up disease that messes up everyone in a 100-foot radius. He's had former periods of sobriety and I have hope he can find success in a program again.

How long will this last? A day? Three?

Please take a seat. You are WAY out of your depths.


I don't think you're completely pro-breastfeeding.

Tricky troll!

What a bully. I'm sorry you have to deal with that jerk!

Wow. Maybe some therapy for yourself might be a good idea.

Did you crib this from Saved By the Bell?

Is that you, Taylor?

It’s a whole level of society I don’t know - I’ll just be honest. I’m sure it’s really important for these rich people to feel connected to other rich people. I took my daughter to the Waldorf school here for toddler play classes (the kids play and parents chat) and the majority of the parents are white and RAF and

For some reason that makes me really sad that it's her dad that doesn't want to see her on his deathbed!

Hey! Hey...she's just really, really hungry.

Right? My kids too! My three year old does not need to be in coochie-cutters, Target!