
Brad is subject to random drug/alcohol testing.

Meanwhile, the woman who thought it was a good idea to make out with her brother (in public, no less), did a stint in the loony bin and/or rehab, and changed the name of her adopted kid because she didn’t like what his birth parents named him doesn’t need counseling.

Many parent on Jez drink alchohol. I bet they’d be suprised to realize that makes them shitty parents.

-- Brad is subject to random drug/alcohol testing.

I think refusing the drug tests would be a much bigger admission of guilt.

Mandatory counselling for all parties involved in a divorce seems like a very good idea

Many parents on Jez smoke weed. I bet they’d be surprised to realize that makes them shitty parents.

“I always thought Angelina was crazy.” She bragged about hiring someone to kill her. Sane people do not do this.

Everyone talked about it. In a bizarrely excited way. Until it was pointed out repeatedly and definitively that there is no possible way to fit Brad Pitt into the timeline established by the blind item unless he used a time machine.

Absolutely. And so is Laura Wasser.

Your mom has the final word on this one. We can end all conversations about Angie right now.

I have the same reaction. I like her decidedly less since hiring Wasser and Smith. Makes me think she’s out to ruin Brad Pitt.

And wasn’t trying to be a professor/UN spokesperson.

Anyone that would defend M Vick is obviously a garbage person. (No sarcasm intended)

Hot take from my mom: “You only hire Olivia Pope if you have something to hide.”

Who knows, but she also didn´t have kids then?

Definitely overkill-makes me wonder what she’s hiding. She was really open with her “wildness” when she was young so why on earth is she hiring a crisis management consultant for a divorce? What skeletons does she have that need to be managed?

--The woman in question is Judy Smith, a former White House deputy press secretary and the head of Smith & Company, a crisis management firm that has handled the various pickles and scandals of many a Famous, from Michael Vick--

Yes. Also -- Paula Deen, Wesley Snipes, Michael Vick, Larry Craig, Kobe Bryant, the family of Chandra Levy -- and many others! She was Deputy Press Director for George HW Bush as well. 

I guess Brad won’t see his kids again.