
I get it. But no.


Just because of "fuck it at this point," you can add these shows of mine to the list:
12. Workaholics
13. The Characters
14. Hand Of God
15. BrainDead (last one coming on Monday)


[Sigh] Rocky.

Sort of an SNL thing.

Oh, God, no.

I haven't heard if there are plans for more than the first 13 episodes. The premise seems more like a one-season deal, unless they go some sort of crazy-bold shift in direction for a second.

Sort of my point.

I was firmly in the Bailey camp. As was Johnny—in an episode where he loses his on-air confidence, Bailey counsels him by telling him to imagine he's talking just to her. Johnny freezes at first, before stammering out, "Hello, Cincinnati—I sure would like to take you home and kiss you all over in the dark…"

Yeah, he was a big Armisen character right out of the gate (he was part of Armisen's audition.)

Me? B-.

I love waffles! But if you weren't sold on the first season (and I really wasn't) this isn't that different, substantially. I just liked the change in direction in the first two episodes—we'll see if it sustains.

Or maybe the cool kid critics got more. Always a possibility.

Well, for the first two episodes anyway (all critics had a chance to see).

I know, right?

Oh, and here's my "my parents would be in prison these days" story: One week, my friends and I collected glass bottles from all over town and dragged them to the scrub woods near our houses. We divided into teams and used the bottles as grenades—the idea was to smash them on a rock right in front of your enemy so

Ups and downs. But credit where it's due—I thought this was the best season in a while.

Honestly, it's an honor. For all the griping (and for all said griping is sometimes justified), this is one of the most formative, important shows in my benighted, TV-watching life.

They tend to take big swings for premieres and just let the finales sort of happen.