
Thanks, Mr. Wayne. Your secret is safe with me.

Kevin Hart's done it for some of his comic friends, at least. It seems just a nice gesture to ensure some more eyes.

They earned it.

I love it! Sort of! I stay up to get the SNL reviews out to you fine people as soon as I can. All the best comments come from people deprived of sleep.

There are people who have worked retail, and people who have not.

And mine about writing them.

As someone who worked a lot of retail, I can only imagine the soul-deadening hell of having to talk about this with customers all day. Shrug. Seemed pretty straightforward to me, but…

Live to serve you.

Well, now…

Julia? Nope—this was number three.

I'd go so far as to call it less than usual—the show generally has the host tucked away preparing for their monologue and the marathon to come. Here, the Larry David-LJD connection was just too irresistible, I imagine.

Thanks for thinking of li'l ol' me, but I'm fine. I love SNL. Always have. If anything, transfer your sympathy to me for being made fun of for a typo I made at 5 in the morning.

I liked that they were more subtly sinister and bullying. That smugness on their faces made the point a lot better for me. (And Mooney's supercilious, yarmulke-wearing attorney was a sly bit of sneaky anti-Semitism I could see a similar movie using.)

Jerry. Rocky.



You run out of times you can say "meh" in a review.

12 Monkeys I liked. Haven't seen the others. This is bad.