
When I moved from TX to NYC, I was miving to a couch-surfing and house-sitting situation, so I put all my stuff in storage. It seemed like a good idea. If NYC didn't work out, I'd still have all my stuff, and when I moved into my own place, I wouldn't need to buy anything.

I like this, I'm an INFP, and I hate making social plans set in stone. Instead of a set 9-5 job, I teach lessons by appointment. I have auditions by appointment. Everything work-related is by appointment. So if I have a lunch date set several days in advance, it doesn't feel like downtime, it feels like an obligation.

Craigslist tip....can you get enough info on the seller to google them? If you can determine between their name and location that they keep some sort of online presence, you can probably discern if they are on the up-and-up. If you have my first name, house number and street name, you'll find my last name, and next

I scan positive reviews, keeping an eye out for anything extraordinarily good. I look at negative reviews. First I try to get an idea if the reviewer is just a major complainer with an unrealistic view of what a hotel can and cannot control, or what ought to be expected in a given price range or location. I also look

I can't have more than a couple of drinks without feelings sick, and I'm a petite female, and at most I'll have a salad OR an appetizer OR a dessert with my entree. And I still end up either taking home a "doggie bag"or wasting food. It has nothing to do with being a cheapskate, but if someone else wants to get drunk

I sponsor kids from Children International and put their photos up whenever I have an office job. I have really pale skin and blue eyes and people do not even know what to say when they see the photos of the black boy, the Indian girl, and the Latina girl (they're individuals to me, but that's what people are thinking

To me, it seems when thoughts are being discussed, or feelings, gray areas, etc., phone calls are best. When factual information needs to be conveyed, some sort of text based system is best.Nothing drives me crazier than this:

Just had a thought...this is most likely a gainfully employed adult talking about his parents, so we can assume they are older. I am a Gen Xer, and although I don't need reading glasses, I found it really tough to see a lot of things on my Evo Shift, between the text size and display quality, and the lack of a zoom

And vice versa! I've always been an early adopter and an anything-but-apple advocate, liked fiddling and customizing, but... in the last few years, I was voted in as President-Elect of my professional association, and by the time my Presidency rolled around, I had made a decision to change careers, so I was taking

I love having a smartphone for two reasons.

I think it partly depends on your schedule where you are and your normal flexibility arund eating. I am in NYC and am a major night-owl. I don't see any problem with eating at 9pm. On the other hand, I'll go to an 8pm Broadway show on a weeknight, and then I'll eat dinner before so I'm not going to bed on a full

There are a ton of free Kindle books from works in the public domain. I've caught up on a lot of classics that I either should have read in high school and never did, or did read and didn't entirely appreciate.

My husband and I do his/hers/family accounts. These are the steps we took for figuring out our "family" contributions:

I need a lot of time alone to be able to function. My husband and I have developed the concept of "alone time". He enjoys things with lots of crowds and loud noises, while I hate them. So on weekends, often he will do something like go to a street fair, and we will communicate about the best time for him to do that so

Meditating. I leave it out because it seems indulgent and selfish. And it's incredibly stupid that I leave it out because if I meditate for 10 minutes daily, consistently, I remember things better, stay more focused, and am just more productive in general.

For brief exposures, since I am a woman, I feel like my make-up primer and foundation both have SPF so I'm good, and a few minutes a day of having your arms unprotected is necessary for Vitamin D.

Some of that is genetic. I am in great shape and have never, even as a child, been able to do backbends or touch my toes. It's never gotten any worse, but stretching exercises have no effect on making it better, they just make me sore.

*not. (I am a lousy typist and proofreader.)

People have always made fun of me for wearing earplugs on the subway, at concerts, etc., and for nt listening to music on mp3 players on the train (if I can hear it over the noise of the train, I figure it is too loud to listen to safely for long periods of time). I also put up with hearing the crappy music at the gym

To be honest, I resisted the iPhone because of the walled garden, and also the lack of ability to have SwiftKey or a physical keyboard. I got it mainly because I am 5'2", and the iPhone 5 is about the largest phone I can operate with one hand. In fact, holding it horizontally, I need both hands.