
Last I saw he has 2 arms. That is all you need for assault and anything that is in your hand is an extension of yourself. Being inside the car is trespassing and enough for Castle Doctrine to be invoked in Texas due to car jackings becoming so prevalent.

That doesn't apply in public on a road. It only applies in private.

The look on your when you find out your package from Amazon says it was delivered, but its no where to be found.

Now that depends. I go through USB cables like water in a desert. So eventually it will cost as much as one of those. They weren't built tough. I wonder how the new standard will fair.

Roms aren't illegal. You need to go back to law school internet citizen.

At will doesn't mean they can fire you for no reason. You need to look up the law in that specific state. Anybody can sue for wrongful dismissal, even in places like Texas. Most people don't unless they have deep pockets.

We are leaving!!

I actually got my DSL in the late 90's. I started working for AT&T High Speed in 2003 and I used to courier for Anime-Fansubs so you are a bit off. At that time alot of colleges kids had high speed. I had almost 2Mbps down and if I remember correctly there were people that had OC connections.

This is the Red Harbinger desk. It has been in production for a while now. Razer ordered a custom one. Peter Brands is the original creator. (Facebook Friend)

He just released an Indigogo for Dopamine, a crypto minning case.…

I so had one of those monstrosities.

It is exactly what Lost Planet should have been like. And its a touch of Ninja Gaiden and Call of Duty. I don't know if I could sink any major time into it since there is no single player. I really hated waiting for the next game to start as well. I could be playing something else in all that time. It's kinda like

It is exactly what Lost Planet should have been like. And its a touch of Ninja Gaiden and Call of Duty. I don't know if I could sink any major time into it since there is no single player. I really hated waiting for the next game to start as well. I could be playing something else in all that time. It's kinda like

4. Not being told the way to eat certain dishes at restaurants: 17 votes

Somebody yelled rape, so now everyone who ever said it is now a terrorist.

Even if they aren't a terrorist. So now we better start mentally patting down everybody that ever said it. Because anybody who says the word is auto-magically going to commit a crime against humanity. Thought crimes.

All you are saying is that people will go off on anything regardless of if the threat is real or not which means 'Who is being irrational when confronted with an imaginary situation?' There are no victims when there wasn't even a crime to begin with. That is what I am saying. Its like saying someone threatened to

It's amazing how much your example leaves out the times when some women enjoy actually being cat called. You whole example falls apart when you leave out context. You have no idea what the person is thinking until the respond. That doesn't automatically turn people into criminals. I am sure you are the same kind of

What you fail to understand is that you were never safe to begin with.

The same could be said for all religions. :)

The same for the fact you can't use the old XBOX fight stick on the XBOX One. Sony Devs were told 'It's up to you!'