
here comes a new challenger ...

Spoiler Alert: There’s a secret 4th floor to the house, The Attic and some crap about a boy named Tad. I still need need to play the sequel, 11th Hour.

I don’t know which is more amazing, the Death Bogey or the anal sex in the background.

Everyone after beating Nightmare mode

Now playing

Another memorable entrance from this weekend:

It looks very nice, but god was that... painfully artificial. Nobody talks like that when actually playing games. NOBODY. Either go full-ham RP mode and get immersed into the game, or talk like an actual human being. The mix of seriousness and lolling about loot was just eye rolling, made it hard to concentrate on the

Similarities to the cake of the same region may be intended... ;)

Single player, FTW.

Is the game free? It better be free.

I don't think his comments are racist. He's just caught up in the moment and trying to relate to them by using their language against them. I never send people messages who suck or are trolls because there's no point. He made bad judgement, but he's obviously a young officer who still has some learning to do. What