
To have Alien in there now would be such a blessing

that was so awesome

Soo beautiful

Now you can download a Cloud from the Cloud

Microsoft had alot of jaw droppers also, so i dont see the point of the continuing console war. Console diversity is a good thing. Play what u like.

I naturally read it that way ever since

Nice, i still have an unopened Red Dead Redemption in the shelf that wants to get fired up

all I was thinking was “I am over encumbered”

this remembered me also how badass the soundtrack was

Here comes a new challenger

almost too colorful seems to have a new engine though

Gears of Haluty

any Jetpack news yet??

remember, always shout when you enter a dungeon

50 shades of turtle

"Falls over and breaks ankle.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(...)OOOOOOOO"

so how does the game check if you are allready in afterlife? by E-Mail adress or IP or what?

I think the firing goes along with americas latest developements, not wanting to have more oil poured in the fire. Its exaggerated for sure.

Thats why I never started playing CoD. Its a douche magnet.
