
I'm Southern and I love this movie.

You'd love to waste $50,000 to condemn racism? You can do that for free, you know. You're doing it right now.

Also the first book I ever read with a complex female protagonist, and to this day one of the only ones. Just sayin'.

I'm aware of those quotes, having just intentionally looked up the book's problematic legacy, and they made me cringe. I first read the book on my own when I was 12, and did not recall those parts until the Wikipedia page jogged my memory. If you're not racist to begin with, reading that is not going to turn you into

I'd rather have her little robe thing she's wearing when Rhett carts her off up the stairs. Or the red slut shame gown. Or the black and white bengaline.

Certainly! When women are not allowed to drive, their movement is restricted. They become dependent on others and are unable to make anything of themselves without help from a third party. They are infantalized and don't have the means to outgrow that patronized image of themselves because they literally cannot leave

Subsidizing egg freezing would be very helpful to young women who must undergo treatment for cancer, because partial/total infertility is very common with radiation and chemo.

I don't want government subsidies, but I am all about charging my mom an egg freezing fee every time she asks about grandchildren. Maybe then she'll stop harassing me. Put your money where your mouth is, mom.

Socialism and handouts for me, capitalism for everyone else!

When we talk shit on this dude who so clearly deserves it, can we NOT make fun of him for his looks? He has SO MANY horrible traits; veneers are the least of his troubles. This is a racist, sexist, ageist, sizeist, etc ad finitum... There is no need to make it about his looks.

I'm too fat and too black to give him money

I hate when people misunderstand what freedom of speech entails. Nobody said you couldn't (shouldn't, yes) say out this bullshit. Hell, your website is still up. But what you say can and will have consequences. It's essentially fucking PHYSICS, not that you are probably familiar with Newton. You can spew out racist

Someone in the Austin area with free time should follow up and arrange to meet this douche. Then, instead of giving him money, educate him on free speech*. If he cries, give him 20 pity dollars.

I'm having such delicious schadenfreude right now. It's wonderful. I shall have to perform a good deed today to make amends for it.

if you support free speech, donate to my electric bill,

Somehow I almost feel obligated to donate, so that he can continue embarrassing himself on the internet for my viewing pleasure. I need something to help get me through the work day, y'know?

I'd love is someone did a full-on psychiatric evaluation on a rapetroll, to see what kick they actually get from their rapetrollery, and why. It genuinely baffles me. I'd hazard a guess that there's a truly pathetic and rather desperate need for attention, but also maybe some masochistic thing too? Because rapetroll

I figure since I'm a grey too, I can take them to task without promoting them up the blacks. People with approval privileges should not engage, sure, but for me? Fuck that. I'll tear up their straw men and call them names if I wanna. That's the perk of being a grey.

I know this is probably in gray, but ... People, replying to trolls only promotes them. Do not reply to trolls. It only gives them the attention for which they're so desperate.

White men think about our penises more than we do. Sheesh.