
I did a larger reply to this article on this issue. I don't think the issue is that the abortions are hurting the fetuses. I think the argument is that if they can feel pain, then they are sentient, conscious beings that should be given full legal rights as a person under the laws. It's an attempt to move back the

You are clearly not a parent and have never been pregnant. I hope to whatever deity you hold dear that you never, ever spawn. Ever. Because you're the worst kind of fucking troll.

Ah, the real gargoyle under the sickly sweet mask. You're going to be dismissed from now on, the way all anti choice trolls and their ignorant spew ought to be.

Emily from xoJane here — It is my understanding from the piece and speaking with the author that the students are housed on Disney property. I stand by the headline as accurate. That was the author's emotional truth.

In a comments section filled with idiotic, ignorant, fucktarded comments, yours is by far the most fucktarded. Congratulations shit bag. I hope you rot in hell.

As I listened to this fartknocker discuss that peer reviewed academic text, MAFM,WAFV, I thought of the title of a book. And it's a book called The Very Hungry Caterpillar. And it is basically about a hungry little caterpillar who ate loads of stuff and didn't give a fuck about what Ken Fredette has to say about

all of this is my opinion as one pro-choice woman, i'm not claiming to speak for everyone.

that being said i've found it varies pretty widely. ultimately, it's the woman's body and it's her choice on whether or not she wants to carry a pregnancy to term, but depending on her relationship with the father he can have

Wow, that is truly appalling. It is so incredibly difficult for a person with an eating disorder to accept that they need help. For these people to swoop in and say, "Nah, you look great! Don't recover, come work for us!" ...That's a new low.

If the Sandy Hook tragedy isnt going to be enough, honestly, I fear the thing that will be. If ever.