
I have done this. Many many times. It inspires the same self hate and loathing that binging or purging does. And yes, it's horrible because there are starving people in the world and that makes the self loathing even worse.

Dude I freaking love Philadelphia. I've lived here for eight years and I love it more every year. And Moe! You should have asked for a provisional ballot! OR gone to City Hall!!! Even though you're not on the books, you can request a paper ballot. Geez - we all need to get more educated on the voting laws in our

Love them both so so much. Weird how when I see her with Madge, they look exactly alike, and now that I'm seeing her with her dad, THEY look exactly alike.

to be clear, I am a proud arab and muslim - I am in no way putting down the Yemenis or Islam. I'm just very impressed with Sarah's decision to abandon all for the proverbial "story"

Okay, so I'm Middle Eastern (Syrian) and Muslim, and there's no way I'm leaving my fab apartment in Philly to jet to freaking Yemen to work for a newspaper.

@hugnkiss: totally agreed! weirdly positioned polka alert. and que horrible shoes :) But the sarandon-robbinses are GORGEOUS. I love everything about them...including their politics!!

@jenalicious: I agree. I also loved loved Good in Bed. My panic is that one day my boyfriend will find out how much I weigh and then write an article about it. I had a visceral relationship to that book...the subsequent ones? Not so much.

@Archetype: so awesome. that made my morning.

@andromache: oh my god I totally hear this comment. never in my life have my things known what it's like to NOT touch. It would be weird if they didn't !!!

@brookidy: damn you hit the nail on the head. I totally agree. why can't I just freaking be happy with what I have? even in a great relationship I have a wandering eye.

okay seriously, this needs to stop. i feel like vomiting just reading this. if the object was to let us know what Jezebel would be like if nasty corporations take it over, I GET IT AND PLEASE BRING BACK THE SLUT MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I the only asshole who believed this whole thing and got really upset about it??

ooooooooooooo I love the hills so so so much. I bet that Speidi's sex life is blah. he pokes her fake boobs and she reads the bible and prays for Lauren.

@johnny-dakota: You "used to think JF was a loser" but NOW you respect him because he went to country club jail and came back "stronger than ever"? I question your judgment. Unless you think that acting like a horny 15 year old who is under both federal and state charges and offering/rescinding 1 million dollars to

@PhillyLass: My feelings exactly. I don't even need to be drunky drunk to take this man home immediately.

This isn't art....I like, totally like, refuse to do this man...

I love Olivier so much I don't care how mangled he looks - he is fine