
Just make the switch. Life gets way easier. Win10 is WAYYY better than Mac OS. Signed someone who was a hardcore mac fanboy from 1999-2012. Started dabbling in Hackintosh’s to save some money and realized along the way that everything PC is cheaper and better.

Ever seen a microsoft surface studio? Does more and sells for much less.

Why anybody pays $5k for it is another story. 

I know people drop Xeons in home builds for a few different reasons but a Xeon is a server chip and I believe in using tools built for the job you are trying to do. No one in their right mind would think to put an M1 chip in a server.

I don’t see why. If people are willing to pay for it...

ARM and “mobile” aren’t the same thing. There’s been ARM-based workstations since the 80s. The whole thing was invented for desktop computers in the first place.

Not defending the price, but more the discontinued part.

It’s taking longer than we thought, but we WILL have our Cyber-punk dystopia dammit!

I’d really like a blood glucose meter tattoo, but in the style of Tulip’s mysterious numbers from Infinity Train.

you found a kraken. it’s a living island. mine barnacles from them.

its intuitive (though janky) building and crafting systems.

I have had steam for half my life:

I love that they try to redirect by taking a swing at the splashiest meme developer. LOL at least I'm not CDPR, amirite? Except CP77 still made Steam an absolute ass load of money. And even if it hadn't sold a copy, Witcher 3 is still a reliable money maker. They are still royalty at Steam. 

here i thought that my ridiculous rhetoric was enough that I didn’t need the /s but alas, Poe wins again...

Can’t say I feel bad for the dev. They don’t really even deny that it’s intentionally deceptive, and they even call it a trick, but just say that it’s minor. The problem isn’t that their game is bad, but that they’re trying to trick customers. All of their excuses just make them sound like they’re angry that they got

My dream of Overwhelmingly Positive Studios is dead before it ever began. Damn Cancel Culture.

Maybe Plumbing should sue Gabe for stealing “Valve”!

The developer even made sure the name matched the font and color of Valve’s official ratings.

It’s just as bad to know personally that your game is trash, but still try and save it t him. He’s also using deceptive marketing, just not on the scale of CDPR, of course neither is this developer.

Cool. Doing nothing wrong on a technical level, but ethically, yeah. If it wasn’t an attempt to fool users then why not rename your company “overwhelmingly negative” and come back at it.

The PC version of CP2077, which is the only version that Steam cares about, is OK. Not great, not terrible. There’s a huge difference between “actually bad” and “not as good as it should have been”.