
Obviously you wouldn’t want an NDA to be without consequences if broken in a way that might not have provable loss. That said, I think Conway’s arguments about provable loss are pretty tenuous and if that was the only recourse on a broken NDA it could be a tough case. Anything that a leaker could be accused of is

Wait, so you are saying that hype happens both because of marketing and because people are interested? Slow down there slugger. Seriously though, I get why leaking seems pretty grey, and why breaking an NDA is capital B Bad. At the same time, I am not going to blame people for being interested in what is coming, and

Honestly I (and probably some other people here) want this for the seats and storage more than anything else. Please be sure to cover what it’s like to sit in other seats besides the driver seat, if there are tie downs, how hard it is to get all the back seats flat (is it a few levers or pull cords or is it an ordeal)

I know Seattle isn't exactly demographicly representative of the US but from the number of Model X's I see pretty much daily, there is plenty of market for an $80k family vehicle EV. Not all of us want Cadillac or Porsche SUVans. 

As the owner of an e-assist bike that I actually commuted on, but also as a father of two with largeish dogs who periodically shoves enough gear for some or all of us to go somewhere into our larger vehicle not to mention the occasional piece of furniture (maybe not antique, but still something I would rather not just

The idea that this was some sort of "malicious compliance" passive aggressiveness does seem possible, but there still are lots of problems even with that. 

It doesn't really pertain to your argument (which I generally agree with) but Bonobos are apes, not monkeys. The librarian from the unseen university would want me to clarify this for you. 

We may not know how it could or couldn’t, but it’s pretty obvious whether it should or shouldn’t and whether freaking Microsoft has the resources to have kept this from happening. Whatever actually happened, it should not have happened at several clear points (from embarking on the hairbrained scheme to produce this

I think the thing that gets me is that the apologist defense” for “this might not be overt racism...” is basically “... because no one cared enough to check that this item created for a holiday directly about the end of a particularly horrible part of racism was good to go”. Nobody double checked -The Juneteenth-

It’s honestly hard to believe you have worked anywhere for 10 years and never come across anyone like this, much less a field known to have a lack of diversity and some pretty hateful people. I mean, the latest ‘Harry Potter” game is straight up nazi propaganda but you don’t know anyone anywhere in AAA game development

Yeah, why would one of human’s two closest living relatives be common knowledge? I mean, I agree that this isn’t on QA but it is absolutely an epic fail, starting with the decision to make a “skin” for Juneteenth. Even the substantially less bad version where there isn’t a directly racist inference (intentional or

To be fair, Bonobos aren’t in many zoos (at least in "the west") because their behavior makes puritan heads explode.

It does surprise me a bit how many people (in the comments) haven’t heard of the closest living relative to our species besides possibly chimpanzees. It’s not exactly just some random endangered species. That said, we don’t see a lot of them because their social behavior is a bit too close to ours for the comfort of

It is a clothing company... but okay, maybe don’t half ass your thing directly related to a holiday celebrating the end of legal US race based slavery. Like, this should have been a thing that top brass double checked all the way down, or that was just skipped in favor of a tweet of support or something (not that that

Not that few. Cephalopods, corvids, parrots, and basically all great apes (some of which would be more of a leap to racism than bonobos) use tools. Bonobos are also known for the sexuality of their social interactions, so it's probably not the best name for something that might be spotted in broadly used software

What is frustrating is that businesses look for short term gain without considering long term alienation. Even if this mistake had not happened... maybe creating a “skin” for Juneteenth isn’t the best idea. Like, “let’s boil down the end of slavery in the US to a look" means you are already tilting off the rails a

I think there is some beautiful pixel art out there but I 1) agree that it’s starting to get bland from overuse 2) think there are other aesthetics at least as interesting with art that is just as “good” and 3) wore myself out on most 2D games about 25 years ago. That said, I would take half of all new games in pixel

Why haven’t we banned the possession or sale of lead for anyone who doesn’t hold a very expensive (and easily revokable) permit? There is no reason a substance with known long lasting toxicity and moreover neurotoxicity should be widely available. We get freaked out if a mercury thermometer so much as chips but you

It's a big place. Compared to places like Brazil, Russia, or all of Europe, it's not so weird.

We have tried those inconveniences, but there’s no real way to limit control effectively like that. That’s aside from the issues with “security theater” that takes away breast milk but doesn’t actually do a lot to stop terrorists except possibly identifying them (and is even pretty bad at that).