Maybe we should just go for a more fair system where all loan interest is tax deductible by the same logic as mortgage interest? As long as banks get charged for the money they make off interest it seems fair.
Maybe we should just go for a more fair system where all loan interest is tax deductible by the same logic as mortgage interest? As long as banks get charged for the money they make off interest it seems fair.
If we look at international gas prices, we would probably be talking $6-12 per gallon without subsidies and the “bargaining power” of the US military, probably on the lower end of that scale. Sorry I didn’t cite a paper or a better number, but also, you can always try Googling it yourself...
It’s hard to say, right? Flatly prohibiting CFC’s and leaded paint and gasoline was probably effective, but prohibiting marijuana and alcohol were obvious disasters, while taxing tobacco has been remarkably effective on a national scale, alcohol taxes obviously don’t keep people from using, and it’s hard to say what…
Sure, but the order of operations is important. Oil, gas, and farm (fertilizer) subsidies have to go first, then we have... 30 years of letting other industry catch up on that long standing industrial socialism where we either need a carbon tax to even things out faster or we need to leave the other subsidies in place…
Something something incident with molasses...
You can only do this on one device, but you can have that device instructed to “broadcast” if you want every device in the house to say “time for bed” or some such thing. Only problem is that you have to make sure the device you set it up on is plugged in.
The initial broadcast does have to go to every speaker, but if you say "okay Google, reply..." after a broadcast it should only play on the speaker that sent the broadcast. But yes, I wish I could say "broadcast to..."
You can also set up an action to trigger at a certain time. I have mine set up to give wake up instructions and then play music in one kid’s room. You can only do this on one device, but you can have that device instructed to “broadcast” if you want every device in the house to say “time for bed” or some such thing.…
I would be happy if they could just get the experience right between Assistant on my phone and my Home devices.
Yeah, Google won’t play over your PC in a group either. You can, however, set individual Home devices to play music to a Bluetooth speaker by default, so if your system has a Bluetooth receiver, or you want to get a Bluetooth adapter, you can still use your nice system. Alternatively you can set your Home speakers to…
Hahahaha. No, EV’s are perfectly viable second cars for solidly middle class folk. I will admit that “affordable” EV’s mostly don’t yet have single car range, but there’s NO reason you can’t drive a five year old i3, Bolt, or LEAF to your job downtown, the grocery store, school, or anywhere in the next few cities…
Yup. Just leave and get another...
I’m a little sad that wolf doesn’t have a floating shield and a very small artist with it...
This. This is why the F 150 EV will get customers when the batmobile B2 will get laughs. That's if Ford puts a decent battery and not one that has to get "retested" after the EPA rating.
Having recently installed my first m.2 after years of building my own systems (so not a lot of building, but with a fairly regular frequently) and working on assorted other electronics... that's a form factor that could use some improvement. That darn screw nearly didn't come out, and then I had to actually lay my…
I could see a no frills Geo metro being good for teaching a kid how to drive. They can keep their paws off my* truck though.
While I think hydrogen is problematic and in general silly for most EV applications, towing or heavy load transport is a place it would really shine.
Discourse is cool and all, but some of us have stuff to do and just want to know whether we should fit something in. If critics aren't engaging this audience, I don't know who is.
Changing your expectation is an even lower cost way to greatly reduce friction. It’s like getting on an escalator and realizing the person in front of you isn’t standing in the middle of it just to ruin your day. Yeah, they may be a little thoughtless, or they may have balance issues and not want people pushing past…
My aunt, a linguist, has had a good laugh over some conferences she has been to. A whole lot of not communicating because of fear of being judged, when the whole point is communicating.