
Yeah, for people who complain about government handouts, republicans sure like double subsidizing the meat industry. Tripple if you figure most of that grain was grown with petrol fertilizer that is, you guessed it, subsidized. Yay. Oh, and then we have to pay for all the old smokers and meat bingers on medicare while

I don’t know about the Google mesh, but I don’t think my OnHub needs Google to be up just to run WiFi. It might to control things like what device gets priority (certainly I would not expect to be able to remotely adjust things with Google down) but I am pretty sure it runs as a router even when Comcast is wetting the

By your logic, the US should have just folded under when manufacturing got automated and went overseas. I'm not saying that was a great thing for the US, but it didn't fold up. There are ways other struggling towns have made it in spite of loss of old ways and there will be in the future too. 

I would love to see Musk work with Bezos. I mean literally see it. Reality TV at its finest, because dang if those two don't just about have the strongest personalities of any CEO's in the USA. 

Well, given this thread is a bunch of clearly white privilege suggesting the Vogon strategy, maybe there’s a reason the people of Flint have some race based animosity toward the people who brought you ‘raceWarcraft: we ran that spot dry so move over here’.

As a hypochondriac, you should probably want to limit your exposure to significant doses of ionizing radiation...

You would probably not see any color, though in a -really- dark room, you might see just a little. A lot is probably not in the visible spectrum even, and of course, being in tissue, most of what it bumps into would not be visible anyway with any particular cut. While it’s possible to heat something enough to get

Hmm. I think about the best you could get from this is bioluminescence, and I personally would like to avoid having that many random changes in my genome.

While Google certainly has a well earned reputation, they also have a huge gaming catalog already in the form of Android games. Daydream, while not the next big thing, has also not been a total flop either. Google is also arguably better positioned than anyone but Amazon or Microsoft in terms of cloud services and

It’s likely they can. I’ve played with gMaps in VR, and you can basically move in real time with a good connection and decent hardware. Duo also offers pretty good video even over choppy connections. And, of course, YouTube manages quite well too most of the time, though that’s more ‘average’ data speed than

I think the whole idea that computers aren’t consulized is a misinterpretation. Tablets, and to a large extent phones, already provide basically the same kind of platform most consules did a decade ago. Prebuilt PC’s are also pretty good these days, and laptops have many of the qualities of consules except price.

Thanks! It’s good to hear someone’s actual experience instead of wild speculation. 

I FedEx does okay business to business. They have consistently (and I mean several times in a row) screwed me and my family on home deliveries though, especially in Boston, where they couldn’t read the instructions to come to our back porch, couldn’t call, and held a package more than an hour drive from town aftet

Purse hay

I have to say, after six years in Boston I looked at this picture and thought 'I know what's wrong, there's still a parking space at the end'

Okay, sure, if you don’t mind manually wiring an entire room, or having wires on your floor or hanging haphazardlon your walls and ceiling, you can build a better 5.1 system for $200 dollars or less and some time watching Goodwill and discount sites. If you want actual ‘find the nearest outlet and plug in’ surround

Further, those who cross the border seeking asylum have not committed any crime but are more likely to be separated from their children as the right thing to do is to submit yourself to authorities to have your case reviewed. Actual illegal immegrants are mostly disappearing into the crowds, so arguably most of the

How about just listing all the presidents? Or was that not your point? If it wasn't, I'm not sure what your point was. 

Wait, is it rediculous or is it not?

Show me again how this isn't true unless both major parties are so fractured they can't get even a near majority?