Demon Deacon Blues
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RAWK(ette). Easily the best female rockers of the 2000s, right?

If I was an announcer I'd drop the nickname "Ibaka Blocka Flame" so fast. And be justly ridiculed for it.

This all sounds fantastic.


Their new album is great. Made up of former Dismemberment Plan/Promise Ring members.

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Just saw The Go! Team tonight. It was LOUD.

I've been meaning to try both of those. Is the BBQ legit?

Yeah, I don't get it either. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

...and WHAT is the DEAL with all of these cupcake places?

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R.I.P., LCD. Some of the best music of the 00s.

Yeah, that concert is awesome. I'm sure you've heard The Name of This Band Is Talking Heads, which is also awesome.

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It is a pretty great album. But I don't think I've ever hated a singer's voice so much. And I even like Wolf Parade.

Good Stuff Eatery, Pennsylvania Ave. on Capitol Hill. Spike from Top Chef owns it. It's pretty great.

One of the burger places here in DC has sriracha mayo to dip fries into. It's fantastic. It almost tastes like pimento cheese (which, if you're not a Southerner, is also delicious).

Agreed. I don't see James Murphy as much of a grappler. I think he's just drunk. That "Jump Into The Fire" cover was sick.


My pick for worst death of all time also has to be Hendrix. Already the best guitarist ever, and it would have been great to see what else he could have done. I'll bet he would have taken some left turns, like into more jazz or pure funk or even electronic stuff.