Demon Deacon Blues

Well, that sucks. Good luck, good sir.

@Ron_Artesticular_Fortitude: Yeah, I have a lot of trouble cheering for Duke or UNC (or State, for that matter) in any situation, but that might have to do with the inferiority complex that comes with being a Wake fan.

Now playing

@Cyrus_the_virus: I probably should have worded that better, and clarified that as a Wake fan, I hate you guys almost as much as Duke, and I get a lot of pleasure from seeing any other members of the Big 4 struggle.

@Marloandme: Fair point. Even though it just feels wrong, Big East fans are getting pretty uppity.

@Cyrus_the_virus: Yeah, probably would have pulled for the Spartans anyway. Cohen's column might have put it over the top.

Question for Non-Duke ACC Fans:

@Loose Cannon: Yeah, that is rough. I'm still paying law school tuition while I'm up there, so I can kind of relate.

@Cyrus_the_virus: We're on the same page here. I'm actually from Eastern NC. If you said you preferred tomato-based, there may have been fisticuffs.

@Bellwether Johnson: No way they don't hire you if you can work in a "Lemon Incest" joke.

@Cyrus_the_virus: Is Old Glory any good? Heard of it, but I'm automatically wary of BBQ joints that aren't in the middle of nowhere.

@Loose Cannon: Good luck, sir. Craigslist seems to have a lot of stuff available on short notice, I'm sure you'll find something reasonable.

@FavreFAIL: Got a Spring internship lined up at a nonprofit organization, which is way better than spending another semester going to law school classes. No apartment lined up yet, though working on it. Northern VA looks pretty cool, visited friends in Ballston once and it seems like a nice area.


You are tearing me apart, LeBron!

Now playing

@Same Sad Echo: Not sure if this one counts, as I don't think it really has anything to do with Christmas, but a great song anyway.

@Bellwether Johnson: Seriously, if Wake is as bad as they look (which is really, really fucking bad), and I have to see that article about how great Duke is every week, I don't think I can handle it.

@Always Winning: It seems to me like the new album is a big jump from his other ones, which I also liked a lot. The music is great (darker and heavier, kind of like 808s and Heartbreak but better), the lyrics are his best by far, and it was actually pretty impressive how cohesive the album seemed as a whole.