
I think she probably would have at least had the words right. It's all the other stuff that matters in the performance that she kind of blows at: movement, feeling, etc. I saw one of her performances on Youtube—-her synching is tight but everything else is boring as hell. She kind of just moves around in a circle

In my opinion, Max and Fame were on par for the worst. they should have been lip synching against each other, but that would have been a forced double elimination which Ru obviously was not into at this point.

That expression was truly a classic.

Unfortunately, she was not there to witness it. Alas.

If it was taken out of context, it makes me wonder what Max did to inspire that comment? (Because it was probably worse, more annoying behavior than this situation).

I see your point about the corseting, but Violet did an extreme version while max was just a regular corset, which all the queens have done in some version and survived. So I say buckle up, bucko, this is what you signed up for. Suck it up until you get backstage.

Agreed. And no matter what, dedragging on the mainstage in any form is a no no. Last week, Violet was cinched for the gods and it was pretty obvious she never uncinched at any point until after the elimination. I think Max could have sucked it up instead of making a production out of it.

Oh, I know. I just found it incidentally hilarious, as I did like Max's look and had no particular feelings about Ginger's.


I think Ru helped her save her ass with that. Donatella was destined to bomb no matter what, in my opinion. Her audition reel in Untucked did not make it look like a great option either.

I'm going to be disappointed if this doesn't happen now.

Ok, everyone is commenting on Ginger's eating as if it was the only joke she made the entire time. It wasn't, not by a long shot. And she's the only one who, as a big girl eating, made a joke that actually landed. She had variety, she interacted with the other contestants, she was funny. That is the key to winning

That's actually editing. Katya posted on her tumblr that they basically just talked shit about everybody and themselves the entire time and were having a blast.

Funnily enough, Ginger's look was the top toot on Raven and Raja's Photo Ruview show last week.

If there is one thing I have learned in seven seasons of RPDR, it's that you can never trust any type of previews or promos. I do appreciate Max's attention to detail, though it's not surprising considering her track record so far.

It's the best and worst spot for many reasons: You get Ru's ear and have the best spot to really make some chemistry with him. However, any flub you make will be even more obvious. We'll see how Max's performance goes.

Indeed. :)

That skit was basically the Ginger and Katya show. If they put a Ru mannequin in and dubbed over Ru's voice, the skit would have been a hundred times better.

Compared to Violet's Michelle, it was an Emmy-worthy performance.

He probably isn't asexual, as he mentions his partner in his Meet the Queens video.