
Yes, and Austrailia and New Zealand are part of the continent of Oceania but neither refers to themselves as Oceanians. The geographic labeling plays very little into how people identify and more how each developed culturally. Just as the western end of Asia is generally not called Asian.

Simultaneously Russians are

Flyer is wrong as hell. There isn’t anywhere in Alabama that can be considered “one of the best places to live in the country.”

The attitude of Isreal is in Asia so therefore they are Asian completley baffles me. My wife’s best friend is from Isreal, she would never lable herself asian - middle eastern yes, asian no. I’m Chinese, in no world do the two of us label ourselves the same thing.

Yes, and notice how those same people who suggest that shit to your friend? Would never ever EVER suggest that black Americans of slave ancestry be able to refer to themselves as white.

So many horrors. I’ve been keeping an eye on his shenanigans for a few years now, and this is a good summary of all of the pain and suffering he is responsible for:

Well in Authority the character is described as being Asian and even specifies Eastern physical characteristics within the first pages.

Clarke has gotten away with so much shit. I guess people who rather make fun of his hat and him stumping for Trump, but horrors lay in his wake.

What pisses me off most about this is that there are no charges whatsoever against that piece of shit, “Sheriff” David Clarke. This was his jail, it happened on his watch. This was one of 4 deaths that happened on his watch, one of the deaths being a newborn whose mother was forced to give birth in shackles on the

White males getting promoted for being scumbags, it’s trending.

But I’m pretty sure individuals from those descent groups would thank you to stop intermixing them like legos so we can boil something down like why a person who isn’t Japanese was chosen for a role where the written character is of Japanese descent.

Nobody’s talking about geography in this context, Burl. Fuck off.

“But geography is definitely the same as ethnicity!” - This Fucking Guy

That’s like saying it’d be cool to cast Charlize Theron as Christie Love because she’s African.

I’m no fan of Hope Hicks, but the trope that women find themselves romantically linked to abusers due to daddy issues is a trope that can die in a fire, as far as I’m concerned.

There are going to be plenty of people who say that Israel is Asian, therefore Natalie Portman is Asian. I’m actually baffled about how we’re carving up geo-states because if anything it’s part Israel is hisorically part of what we would consider the Middle East, along with many other countries the UN has classified

Or like people who tell my white South African friend that he should identify as African-American.

She’s got dual US-Asia citizenship, huh? By extension me being born in Japan to white parents would make me Asian as well?

Honestly interested in hearing from any person who identifies as West Asian (and therefore Asian) instead of by nationality or ethnicity.

I was expecting so horrid takes coming here, but this “Natalie Portman was born is Asia” take was not one I considered. Jesus.

A large portion of Israel’s Jewish population is of Arab and North African descent. Natalie Portman is definitely not part of that portion of Israel. Her mother’s family came to Israel from the US. Her father’s side from Europe. There is nothing Asian about Natalie Portman.