
At home I use the Windows 7 Bing Dynamic theme. You get Bing wallpapers without all the extra junk in that Bing Desktop program. Also... since it's a Windows theme, the backgrounds change a few times a day, not just once per day.

Meh, I don't even think it sounds great in theory

For most people who work for larger companies... if you wait till Friday to read email you are going to miss a week's worth of important stuff that you should have been on top of. If you do this repeatedly, you will be fired.

Not much benefit... mostly just satisfies my OCD. I like being able to see that my speed is exactly what I think it is, rather than interpolating the space between numbers on an analog speedometer.

There are a lot of problems with trying to just start the two together...

No, and how come no poll?

I was thinking that as I read through this

This wasn't much of a "search challenge," especially since the location was given. This was a math problem, plain and simple.


That may be true... It's been my experience that Google (and every other GPS I've tried) tends to navigate me more towards highways, but that's just me.

I know Google tries to factor in traffic... maybe it's just doing a really bad job because of the complexities on NYC traffic. I would imagine that NYC is more of a special case than something that can be used as a general example.

PROTIP: Download Ulysse Speedometer Pro and you can have a nice speedometer overlayed on top of your navigation. It looks great too... as if it's built-into the app.

I wish the maps app had the ability to click anywhere on your route and drag those little waypoint circles like you can on the maps website.

Other than the ability to assign names to the locations, you can do all of that.

This is incorrect

You can always look at the 3 route options it gives you ahead of time and make an intelligent choice that way. Admittedly, sometimes none of the options are what I would consider to be the best... but no GPS will every be perfect.

Glad to see sanity has returned to Lifehacker... glad to see Waze taking a backseat to what has really been the best all along

This is my work computer. Depending on what I'm working on I might pin a MATLAB shortcut too, and sometimes Visio, but right now this is what I'm working with.

1) It just said to set it aside. It didn't say to actually freeze it immediately.