Yea this comment system sucks big time
Yea this comment system sucks big time
Lifehacker, why is there no "Report Spam" button for people like this?
I don't mind people using them. Yea they look a little goofy, but if you're in a call and you need your hands, then go for it. My problem is with people wear them around all day like some sort of reverse fashion accessory (one that makes you look like an asshole). When the call ends, take the thing off of your head…
People who, while their phone is ringing and annoying everyone, take their sweet ass time to get the thing out of their purse/pocket, take a few moments to look at the screen to see who's calling, and then (after like 30 seconds have passed) silence it. Or even worse, people who just let it ring because they don't…
I already covered this one ;)
What phones are these people using? Every phone charger I've seen in the past like 10 years has had a normal-sized plug.
I wonder if you need a fishing license for this. Hmmm...
I think he missed the joke
This isn't exactly a phone gripe, but it's related...
I got a basic $30 Netgear router my Junior year in college that is still going strong 5 years later. I bought the same exact model probably about a year or so before that for my parent's house, and that one is still kicking too. When this thing quits some day, maybe I'll spring for something a little more expensive,…
Robin should tell her to move that damn phone so she can see the road.
Don't forget to insure the stuff inside the truck too.
I'm still calling it "dog shit"
let me just bust out my tin-can-cutting scissors :-p
That's probably what I'd do, yes. You make it seem like much more of an ordeal than it really is. You could also just fill up one of those cups and then pour it onto your burger when you sit down, if that's more your style.
"make it tough to dip more than a few fries, let alone a burger"
This is why I use the headphones that came with my SGSIII instead of buying "good" ones.
Came here to mention the Comply Foam tips as well. I don't know why people replace cheap silicone tips with different cheap silicone tips... memory foam is where it's at people!
I didn't even think of that. Good idea.
Why are you turning Wifi off? It improves GPS accuracy, and you're plugged in so you don't need to worry about power.