
Confession time: I LOVE Entourage, and I LOVE LOVE LOVED the Entourage movie. It’s a dumb, goofy show about a bunch of fuckheads fucking around in Hollywood, and it’s funny and stupid and hilarious and ARI GOLD IS JUST AMAZING AND HE IS THE SORT OF JEWISH AMERICAN MAN THAT I ASPIRE TO BE LIKE

But that projection includes the Olympic victory tour for the women, which didn’t happen.

The USWNT only generates more revenue in World Cup years, which are down years for the men’s cycles. The women draw well, but the men draw better, partially because their opponents have stronger following in the US than the equivalent women squads do. The Gold Cup and Copa America and WC qualifiers are generally good

A knit sweater or top that is thin or soft, made of wool, cashmere, or some kind of blend like rayon and cotton that will get stretched out of shape easily. (Things like heavy 100% cotton and polyester will keep their shape pretty well). If you have a thin cashmere blend and you put that on a hanger, especially if you

Huh, it’s weird that she’s unwilling to state the obvious: it was about ratings. Like we can talk around and around in circles about whether her tweets made people think there was going to more to the story than there was (uh, they did). But at the end of the day, she did it for the eyeballs. Since there was no real

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

I wonder if this is a case of two things being equally true, ie - racism and partisan politics. How many times did they investigate Hilary over Benghazi because they didn’t find what they were looking for but were *sure* was there? Mark Levin, the right wing talk show host whose fevered brain was the source of Obama

You know what would have also likely turned the Rust Belt in Hillary’s favor, with or without Comey’s interference?

I know this isn’t directed at me... but if you honestly want some feedback:

In this case, a lot of the decisive states were ones that haven’t been swing states in recent elections. Michigan hasn’t gone red since 1984, for instance.

Actually I’m not ok with that but thanks for demonstrating my point.

No, it is economic anxiety expressed through racism, sexism, misogyny and xenophobia. That is an important difference and if we do not learn this we’ll have 8 years of Trump and make zero grounds on the Hill in the midterms.

Kinja won’t let me support star, so now you get three.

While you’re undeniably right, I imagine I’m not alone in simply not wanting any of the hardware Nintendo designs anymore. There’s no place in my life for a handheld gaming console and, in the rare instances that I feel the need to mess around with a handheld screen, I have a giant smartphone. in my pocket.

“Nearly every open world game makes the player collect random garbage, and it’s almost never fun. Instead, collectibles often come across as content fodder, meant to pad up the time a player might spend with a game. Breath of the Wild is not like that at all.”

I don’t want them to go out of business. I want Nintendo to leverage their wonderful software in a way that doesn’t chain it to unnecessary hardware.

Yeah I mean, gotta be honest, that was an impressively quick jump to ‘mansplaining’ after just not getting the sarcasm.

“Ive spent most of my life using small things in big hands”

I’ve never been more sure that I made the right choice not buying a console day one.