
I am just going to remind everyone - since it’s sort of dropping off the rage radar - that the Russian government colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the election with the purpose of weakening America to the point that Russia could destroy NATO and re-assert control over Europe. They didn’t do it because they

At the end of the day, if they had done everything for what you consider the right reasons, what would they have done differently? And what difference would that have made?

I think putting up such a strong opposition is definitely doing something. They may not be able to stop the confirmations, but they’re giving him hell. He has the fewest confirmed cabinet members by this point than any other modern POTUS.

February 7, 2017. The day public education died.

Now playing

No, considering the movie is Chinese directed and produced. And he and two other Americans make up the entirety of the white cast, with one of those “white actors” actually being Chilean-born. Everyone else is Chinese.

Matt Damon was chosen by the Chinese director for a Chinese made movie.

It isn’t. He is one of 6 or 7 leads in a Chinese made production. The US trailer is just cut so US people can recognize someone and so it can sell internationally because most international people don’t know the Chinese stars in the film.

The white working class WAS forgotten and ignored. And the coastal elites’ complete comfort with that is precisely why somebody like Trump was able to waltz into those areas and do well. He may have been full of shit and lied that he’d make their problems better, but at least he acknowledged that they had problems in

People don’t give this stuff a lot of thought. We need constituents in swing states and Republican states getting involved to protect ACA. People instinctively think “they’ll hate the Socialist,” but they ignore the fact that those tend to be the states where Sanders won in the primary.

Bernie supporters turned out for Hillary at a higher rate than Hillary supporters turned out for Obama in ‘08. Maybe you should’ve listened to people telling you that HRC was an awful, unelectable candidate instead of being offended that someone would dare challenge her rightful ascension to the throne.

Fixed your headline for you.

Fixed your headline for you.

How does it feel trying to maintain faith in Nintendo only to be perpetually disappointed?

“nobody’s saying she deserved it but she deserved it”

Thanks a lot of this post. This is the problem I’m having. White women are not a monolith. White folks rightfully get called out when we treat other minority groups as monoliths, or expect an individual POC to speak on behalf of his or her whole race, so it seems unfair to get the finger pointed at me as a white woman

Well, maybe, but also quite possibly not.

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and

That’s . . . not unreasonable. I don’t think it’s entirely right, but it’s not unreasonable.

Nobody’s rewriting history and to say he “kneecapped” her is ridiculous. Bernie had a lot of support and spoke to issues that were extremely important to a great many lefties. He wanted to make sure these issues were not overlooked as they so often are by mod-dems. Hilary lost the election herself. She was not a

And even if they’re not entirely correct, you still don’t think they have a point?

You really cannot blame Bernie for Hillary’s mistakes and inability to capture votes in key states. He got behind her and urged everyone to vote for her. I voted for her.