Damn, after all these years it looks like I somehow missed one of the splatbooks for 3.5...
Damn, after all these years it looks like I somehow missed one of the splatbooks for 3.5...
Something ironic about a company like Aramark trying to take the moral high ground on an issue.
“They get sick of fans trying to twist Westworld into Game of Thrones II”
We have laws to keep people from traveling abroad to do awful things, but it can only extend so far. Essentially after the first country you visit, you’re breaking the laws of that country, because you’re in that country.
This guy sucks and deserved to be fucked with a dick made out of angry fire ants, but the focus should be on closing the loopholes and making the system more efficient/effective.
That security guard is my favorite part. Well, that and the fact that prince throws the guitar in the air after hes done and walks off...and it never comes down. My guess is its floating off into space somewhere
Yeah, thats Dhani. He just looks so chill and happy the whole time haha. I love how his eyes light up when prince sort of falls back off the stage and that security guard catches him
“We don’t have confirmation that Secretary Kerry spent the remainder of Sunday in a dark room, sobbing as “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” played on loop”
Nate Parker = raped a woman, let his friend rape said woman, harrased/stalked her until she committed suicide, still maintains his innocence to this day
I mean its got 97% on RT from critics on 131 interviews, 95% of the audience liked it, and gave it a 4.7 out of 5.
Its not just that this “didn’t please everyone”, it basically removed tracking functionality completely for rural players. Its a change that made things better in the city and objectively worse for everyone else. Its not really an opinion thing, this was a change that removed functionality for rural players.
If you watched the switch launch video, it ran like ass on that too unfortunately
So they can have an opinion, its just irrelevant and ridiculous and thus should never be stated or expressed? got it
What final fantasy did you play? This basically bears no resemblance to the predecessors, and is much more of an action/hack and slash game.
TBH, even skipping all side content, a 10-15 hour main story in a JRPG is short as hell.
I get that and agree 100% with your analogy, but thats not what people are saying here. Some quotes:
You’re ignoring all the articles about “computer science experts” and russians hacking the voting booths, that started this whole thing.
i really want to watch it but i have a thing against people who film vertically :(
As a person who is in no way shape or form a trump supporter, to some of us its just odd that publications, on the same day, are posting “OMG TRUMP HAS NO EVIDENCE AND SAID THE ELECTION IS RIGGED HE IS A DUMBASS” and “WELL THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THE ELECTION IS RIGGED AGAINST HILLARY BUT WE SHOULD TAKE A SECOND LOOK…
Why, when she threatened/blackmailed them initially, and demanded they bump her stats all the way to the top, didn’t they just...bump them down instead, and then deal with her?