
“Since the trial started, the best reporting has been from Tyler Kingkade at Buzzfeed;”

The gamepad was insanely low quality, with a low res capacitive touchscreen, and no internal rendering hardware. The wii-u performance was significantly handicapped because it had to render both the TV and the gamepad and stream it. this is why they never got 2 gamepads to work, even though they said it was. It also

The problem is that minor benefit comes at a cost. An insanely large cost. The wii-u gamepad essentially crippled the entire system so that you could look at the inventory without pressing a button. They took insane performance hits, lost all 3rd party support, and had to sell outside of their preferred price point so

I had forgotten about mario maker, but mario maker and splatoon are about it(and this trailer showed splatoon being played on pro controllers with no touchscreen, so its definitely doable).

The dock is just basically an HDMI out to the TV, no additional power.

Specs are crucial to 3rd party support, though. When they have to write an entirely different version of the game and cut features because the low power console can’t handle it, then they just stop making games for it.

At what point did they actually care, short of nintendoland? Did any of their first party games do anything relevant with it?

You might be the only person i’ve ever heard who enjoyed the idea of having 2 screens on a home console...

The dock doesn’t do anything, its just basically an HDMI port. All processing is done on the tablet.

Now playing

Does that make Hillary Clinton an inbred hick?

Except that playing “grab ass” the way he did is literally sexual assault. Its kind of a big deal.

Its polarization. Right now both parties essentially have a “floor” of about 40% of the voter turnout that will just vote along partisan lines regardless of candidate. And its probably going to stay like that forever, unfortunately. At this point both parties realize that if they keep us blindly hating the “other

People want just a normal ass realistic military FPS, a la MW/MW2, blops 1/2.

IW? You mean the shitty game that you get if you buy the 80$ remake of COD4?

She is trying to raise money for herself. SGK foundation doesn’t donate shit to charity.

Gee its almost as if the Susan G Komen foundation cares more about making money for its execs then it does for actually helping women. Who would’ve thought?

Its hilarious to me how much hate you’re getting, the names you’re being called, etc..

That sounds perfectly fair and reasonable. I like you and would be happy to discuss this any time you’d like!

“Guns have no purpose but to kill.”

I don’t demand perfect terminology or anything, but it is frustrating to see someone demanding regulations/bannings for something they don’t understand at all. I think if you’re against something, you should at least know what it IS and why its bad. The vast majority of people who want “assault rifles” banned can’t