
*had been passed some bad information nevermind*

How is this something that has to be “banned” in the first place? Like how did we get in a situation where it was legally ok to do? But selling loose cigarettes will get you choked out in the street.

That just really doesn’t sound like participation...

So this is where the confusion comes in. You say:

I feel like i spend about half the time being told I need to participate in the conversation, and about half the time being told “shut up and listen//you’re whitesplaining every time you talk//check your privilege//you can’t talk about this because you’ve never experienced//etc//etc//etc”

Are you suggesting there might be a double standard?

Didn’t even read the article -

but were you on or off fleek at the time? i think that might make a difference.

i think my bae might be a jawn, or might be jawn. i think it has something to do with her being on fleek. or maybe she is off fleek? im not sure what fleek is.

Hillary actively campaigned in support of it in its entirety. Bernie actively campaigned against the majority of the bill, but ended up voting for it due to the violence against women act, including giving a speech to congress about why the crime parts of the bill that hillary advocated for were awful.

I don’t get how Hillary is trying to say that Bernie has said bad things about Obama.

This is my biggest issue with the stance against voter ID laws: Voter ID laws are good and make sense. Everyone needing an ID to vote makes perfect sense and is a no brainer.

Wait, are tampons for some reason taxed extra? Or is the tampon tax just...regular sales tax that just about everything is subject to?

I’m...not 100% sure what was or was not said...

People are asking to see these speeches in particular because they’re pretty relevant to their campaign. She is basing a big chunk of her campaign on the idea that she is going to attack these companies, when in reality she is on their payroll. Its hard to feel like she is really going to attack the banks if they’re

I mean, its slightly different documents, but Obama was asked to provide a birth certificate, romney was asked to provide tax returns. These aren’t standard things all candidates are required to provide.

I feel like his accountant just figured out a tax loophole if he runs or something...

Can we roll in the Dougie, the Cat Daddy, and the Stanky Legg?

“ Is there any play from this game you are going to remember even a month from now, let alone in a year or a decade?”