
Yeah, as a 5’6” bro, many of my friends kept pushing me to try online dating. I gave it a run until every tinder profile said “6’ + or don’t swipe”, or if it didn’t, the first thing asked was “how tall are you?” followed by a block.

“To be clear, I think that Dolezal has some very serious issues that she needs to work out for herself here. Many of her actions are inexcusable. But you’ve named something in the quoted sentence above that many multiracial people struggle against, and racial identity can be more complicated than “your mother was

Loved it for the most part, but something about the weapons was **very** unsatisfying. The main shotgun was just generic metal gun tube, the plasma rifle seemed very unsatisfying to shoot.

“I don’t think so. . . . At least not in a society in which racial inequality exists. “

Initial thought about her is “this is wrong, you can’t do that”

As a guy who has a lot of those same feelings about himself, its kind of frustrating to read stuff like this. Like being a guy is some magical reservoir of self esteem where we’re all these hyper-successful alpha type-A personality people just high fiving each other to the top without a care in the world.

For me, the way this resonates is “i refuse to go to the police to deal with this and get him convicted because its too traumatic to keep reliving the experience while discussing it to police, but instead im going to physically recreate the experience, including actual sex, and film it and show everyone in the world”

Where is there any proof a guy wore tennis shoes and didn’t get in trouble?

Do you have anything really to back up that idea though? Would you argue Kendrick Lamar also has no talent? Because Kendrick has stated that he was heavily influenced by eminem, and has gone so far as to call him a genius, and basically said he’s the best rapper in the game right now.

Thats basically objectively and demonstrably false. He’s widely regarded, even by those within the rap community, as one of the greatest of all time. Its not just something white people made up...

“Well he’s white and despite being shite people keeping calling him ‘talented’, so he’s basically Eminem”

Again, it has nothing to do with me thinking hes not right for the part. I think them taking a brother/sister combo and just throwing a minority actor into, while keeping the other person white, seems like they weren’t really committed to the idea.

This is where it confuses me too, and i think casting an african american as sue would’ve been the better choice. Correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t sue the older sister?

I think part of the problem is that Hero mode also requires you own 10 heroes, in order to prevent the possibility of all of your owned heroes being picked.

I just want to apologize for like...everyone, because it seems like every single response to your posts has ignored everything you have said. You have clarified about 10 times that you’re referring to people who give you this attitude now, yet every single person still thinks you’re making some backhanded comment

Why do they keep using the phrase “staff him”?

This show should be great, she is absolutely fantastic. I would have loved to have seen her and jason jones take over the daily show :-/

I’ve always found him to be moderately funny. Not great, but drawing a chortle every now and again.

It sounds like we agree on a lot of this, I just wanted to better clarify my position :)

“There’s a difference between being offended for the mere sake of it, and being offended for a reason”