I mean, the NFL and NBA have been suspending players with pending charges, but hope solo didnt lose a sponsorship or any play time for her domestic abuse case...
I mean, the NFL and NBA have been suspending players with pending charges, but hope solo didnt lose a sponsorship or any play time for her domestic abuse case...
I never got this. How is 45 minutes of action boring, but a half of a football game, which is only ~6.5 minutes of play, exciting?
i think in this case, EVERYONE has the right to shit on this author.
I had a college roommate who somehow carried his goldeneye control preferences over to halo when the xbox came out.
I think the biggest issue with random stuff like this, is that sometimes in MOBAs its *really* easy to see who is going to win the match, just based on team comp(especially if you're not talking about players with high skill levels). This wouldn't be the worst thing if matches didn't often go 45m-1h long, coupled with…
I have a 3ds XL and i HATE it, its way too big, and the battery life is terrible. I'd buy a new 3ds in a heartbeat if we got the smaller one. I want something more akin to the DSi
"I don't see what "training" you could do for that other than following the advice of people who can do it (small steps) and repeating till you were good at it.
Not an MRA at all. Can't stand them. But in what world is it ok for me to openly make negative base assumptions about a movie because its a female director? Its not. Its not ok to do it to either gender.
I mean, you're certain of this because a man directed it, right? Like, men, right? seriously, as soon as you know a man is involved, you can basically assume everything about the movie and be 100% right because all men are a certain way and are totally incapable of doing a ton of things, just for being men, am i…
"incredible CGI that makes the movies look worse than the 10+ year old original trilogy"
"It's all kind of heartening in its own way, knowing that a player with only basic cards can out-skill someone backstroking through a sea of legendaries if they know what they're doing."
"It's really the principle of the matter that's so disconcerting. This is like ordering a meal in a restaurant and then being told there's a surcharge if you need eating utensils."
Most of these appeared to be "drag sniping". If you watch, he just swings the gun towards the enemy and pulls the trigger, knowing that sweeping across the enemy will kick in aim assist and basically lock the shot onto them. Works even more in call of duty.
Magic: The gathering card "millstone", lets you put the top 2 cards from your opponents library into their graveyard.
I have an honest question here: We have a man accused of rape, who was acquitted at trial due to lack of evidence. However, because he was accused of rape, hes a monster with no privacy and the whole world should know all the details of what happened in regards to the accusations made against him.
You're really going to boil down every female death(or the majority of female deaths) in game of thrones down to that? they all died for being evil sluts?
Also Beowulf. Just sayin.
To be fair, its Game of Thrones. Horrible shit happens to literally everyone. White, black, tall, short, man, woman, dire wolf. The entire premise of the show is "everything sucks for everyone all the time and only bad things happen"
This would most likely cripple performance. From the sound of things, the reason the wii-u is limited to 1 gamepad is because rendering a second one kills the framerate, so it doesn't appear they have much headroom.
I agreed with the grand jury on Michael Brown(lack of evidence, too many conflicting reports, etc). I did not agree with it on Eric Garner. I do not believe either grand jury was motivated by race. I think both police officers were most likely in part motivated by race.