Ford should take the hint and continue manufacturing the Econoline/E-Series in van form, as opposed to just having the cutaway.
Ford should take the hint and continue manufacturing the Econoline/E-Series in van form, as opposed to just having the cutaway.
Thanks for the kind words!
"The right of the plebes to complain about things on privately owned websites shall not be infringed"
1) Saab is mentioned several times in this article
Sorry to hear that you don't like FA or that it detracts from your Jalopnik experience. I don't cross post anything, the editors do. FA has been wildly successful, I am sorry you don't dig it though. Nothing I can do there.
Go fall off a bridge.
here in America we have 18 wheeler semi trucks delivering goods to every corner of the country. Have you seen one take a right turn in a 12 foot lane? Not everyone drives shitty micro cars. Perhaps you would feel more at home in Italy riding a scooter so you can feel the wind on your vagina.
Crown Vic with a supah chaghah members be like "If Ford kept making Crown Vic this wouldn't happen".
it used to be mine but I sold it to a Chinese man named Chow this spring in Vegas to fund the purchase of my custom orange paint job P1 called L'Orange after my favorite duck dish.
Turn down for what?