
You need a master system and game gear then I’d call your collection perfect ;)

If 6 wasn’t overrated then it would be the correct answer


I live on Main Street in a small suburban town. They play Christmas ALL DAY in December. I have heard this song. I lost my mind because of it

Zat You Santa Claus by Louis Armstrong

The lack of likes on this comment shows Kotaku’s bias lol

Forest green is the best color of all time

I bet you love Pepto Bismol


Manitos, the angry man with smaller hands that Drumpf himself! Insecure, illiterate motherfucker who doesn’t know what science fiction is.

People don’t understand science fiction anymore it seems. It’s like they’re comparing it to high fantasy novels like ASOIAF

Manitos, the angry crybaby

All I saw was a bunch of crying. As if crying about trump isn’t enough lol

Stop crying

I enjoyed it. I might coming to the conclusion that many people enjoy complaining just for the sake of complaining and that they will never truly be happy with any new Star Wars film because they can’t embrace change of any kind.

Roy Moore made a mistake too, does that make it alright?

Look who’s never been cheated on!

These dipshits try to justify reprehensible actions by saying stupid shit like “well the situation is more nuanced like that”. Bunch of idiots who can’t imagine being the victim and can only see their heroes perspective.

What’s “not cool” is cheating on your wife.

Nice liberal conspiracy theory you have here