
Maybe you can fiand a way to make it electric

Should we be worried that we have an article about a jeep and it’s not coming from David Tracy?


I like looks good but it’s a ton of work

Sorry I can’t resist, How do you know?

He wants to drive it not have it at the shop all te time

Double Yikes

The Pao’s sell meant thate they are moving like the 25% of the american inventory?

True story

I’m with you

Ah, So it’s going to be oneof those weird weeks

500 miles is no small accomplishment, but as you said he needs more planning next time

Thank you, I was forgetting the white one, and I was confusing the two blues

I like it

I have a hard time trying to remeber the four of them, can you refresh my memory please? Thank you

You are going to be succesfull but you are going to have a few headaches,

With that headline, for a moment, I was thinking that it was talking about our Miss Mercedes

Thank you David, I love your answer your crazyness is highly appreciate it, we need more wierd here

That’s cruel but you got a good point
