Dungeon style


Response: Keep the change? DO I LOOK BROKE TO YOU????!?!?!?!?

I guess you don't think things through? They will most likely wipe the device infront of you. DERP.

Better be BT 4.0

windows version was 75mb........WIN!!!

iTunes 10.5 no longer requires quicktime to be installed or downloaded with iTunes.

lol. love the jerk chicken. Some steel pulse and bob marley

Tomorrow is your lucky day.

Thats not a ram issue, thats a processor issue.

iOS 5 sperates the icons. Video and iPod are seperate.

see, thats what i like, people that have open minds. add some reggae some time :)

Nice, love bar9

Love that song.

I listen to alot of genre's of music, it seems like you have a limited range of music choice?

... See that's what i can't understand with people. I listen to almost all genre. I don't "Hate anyone type of music". Maybe if you tried listening to the better people of dubstep instead of people like skrillex. Try Caspa, Coki, Rednek,Benga, datsik, Skream.


She's not holding an iPhone 4s. Tar and feather ASAP!!