You can't jelly a Di. I'm gonna leave it there.
You can't jelly a Di. I'm gonna leave it there.
I call dibs on his turtleneck (•_•)
Has anyone ever thought, By look at both of these tabs at a glance not full on. They both look alike.
Does anyone remember what the original samsung galaxy tab 10.1 looked like?
She did say that...
Is there a Dubstep one?
Deal day?
Nice Try. :P
I like this one.
In a nutshell: Basically what iOS is like. One OS to rule them(devicewise)
Can i have a Cookie ice-cream sammich?
Thats Lord jobs, peasant.
Just in case you get lost.
Put a cork in it, There is no shortage.
Yeah smartboards are really neat, used it my senior year in HS!
What you did there. And i like it!
Your comment swept me off my feet by surprise.
A hair in the head is worth two in the brush.
IDK why.