Release In Motion!!
Release In Motion!!
The 3g was 3 years old...what other phone got that kind of support?
Maybe its coming in iOS 5 to every device that supports it? why would it only be the iPhone 5. Riddle me that batman(gizmodo)
Are you done?
Its going to, thats a given.
Holy cash cow batman. Thats impressive.
Just hope the don't tell their parents you said it :/
If you really want to scare children...Why not show them a birthing video...
Don't worry we can fix you..
Mac App Store if your not fimilar with BlaqkAudio term...
i DO both with flowers and a chocolate...
Smashing hit this phone is!
Really. All 4G phones on verison has a sim card...
What nuts? i don't see any..
The comment section on engadet is funny to read. Better than the articles. android vs apple vs who ever. Every article is the samething..
Cool beans. i just use it to listen to dubstep.