
They had video from his own security camera coming home with gun in hand.

Meh, I don’t really even have a witty comment to make. Probably the only thing that comes to mind is good riddance, and what an absolute moron. He threw away his entire life for nothing. All of the money he stood to make from football is gone. All of the potential on-field success and accolades are no more. Most

There’s no criminal negligence here, but there is clearly negligence in at least two spots:

The USMC's obsession with replicating every other branch of the armed forces, but with bespoke equipment is really to blame here. Let's not forget that a huge portion of the F35 debacle is directly related to the SVTOL functions, and this is enother example of the downstream implications.

i enjoyed the article until that crappy shot at America. If you're going to make that kind of statement at least call out who you're talking about. Start with FOX enabling lying right wing politicians who are bought and paid for by corporations which is actually the cause of this wastefulness. The military industrial

No, he wasn't bothering you because you weren't sitting next to him. So no, not you Mr. I've flown first class a couple times.

As someone who travels for business every week, I can say i've never encountered a bad dog on a plane. Kids on the other hand - the fucking worst. Personally, I'd say it makes the trip better. You also have to remember some people's dog's are like their kids and in many cases, they're a helluva lot better.

Or they could use some of that record $4.5 Billion (Pre-tax) and make it the standard option and not gamble with the lives of animals for $50.

I was military police. Pretty much a given that you don't fire at an UNARMED PERSON running AWAY from you with his BACK TOWARDS YOU.

uh...huh... I'm not sure you read the law you just quoted very carefully.

Just to argue the other side of your first bullet point only.....

The SCOTUS ruled that a police officer can only shoot a fleeing suspect if the said suspect is armed and pose immediate danger to the general public.

So no. Just because you are running, doesn't mean the cops can shoot. Otherwise, shows like "Cops" would be very different. I mean why bother running through hedges when

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Who cares?

"Yeah! I don't want to hear ideas!!!!!!!"

okay thanks for stopping by

Good riddance.

See ya!

I have a feeling Deadspin won't be too broken up if you leave.